Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Immagine That

Poll courtesy Racine Journal Times.


  1. Rated a waste of time, money and effort.

  2. That is so sad. There are still some very good things happening in RUSD. Kids who CHOOSE to succeed can still do extremely well. My kids are a fine example.

    There are so many problems schools who do not have selective enrollment face. I could go on and on about them, but it would sound like blaming everything but ourselves. Schools, expectations, regulations, punishments, parenting, economic factors, legacy and culture is nothing like it was when we were kids.

  3. I had to make a run at every available post, but this one is tough to comment on. I have to agree with KK, I too had very successful kids go thru this system.

    But, I do hear first hand, about the problems we have out there with no resolution in sight.

  4. The undoing forces RUSD are greater than the school can handle alone.
    The culture of many communities has changed and with that change adversely affects all branches of public domains. the list is indeed endless,but one must not stop trying to better the community.

  5. I don't know that much about education, but I agree with kk that nothing is like it used to be. I would be afraid to be a student today.

  6. It reminds me of the proven fact about apples.

    If you put a rotten apple in a pail of good apples, the good apples will not make the rotten one good but the rotten one will make the good ones turn rotten.

    I don't know the answer how to keep the rotten ones out of the pail.
