Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Open Blog - Wednesday

Enjoy hump day.


  1. after a bunch of aloe, and multiple benadryl, I woke up less itchy - yay!
    It's always good when you can avoid the dr, not that I don't like mine, but at $35 a pop up front to go in, I'll avoid her

  2. I would think that avoiding steroids would be good for you, too, but I understand that sometimes they are the only thing that works.

    Time to dream about the JTI . . . zzzzz...

  3. I need to check with Madam Zoltar and see if she has a magical potion that will put me to sleep for at least 4 hours straight.

  4. I actually had a decent amount of sleep. Yay! Nothing on the agenda screaming at me, double yay!

  5. I get the fifth! Have a good day, my friends.

  6. I'll take 6th. Like LM and KK before me. I have to go to the dentist today as I can no longer chew on the left side. I see a crown in my future. And most definitely, less money in my pocket.
    Have a great day everyone.

  7. Dang I get 7th...oh well, if I can borrow the 5th from Beejay, I can do 7&7's. It's been awhile since I've had those, Anyone in?

    I'm getting a break from nerdmania, I think there is news about a new model iphone or something which has got them all choked up and excited.

    You got to love the visual of a bunch of pocket protecting nerds jumping up and down in joy over new technology.

    I will enjoy the reprieve and you all go and be P & P.

  8. No dreams about the JTI.

    It's cool outside.
