Wednesday, November 6, 2013

"NEW:Complaint for injunction filed against the City of Racine regarding Mound Cemetery"

From RacineUncovered:

"William Brown with Ogichidaa Mawansomag has stated that a complaint/request for an injunction against the City of Racine regarding disturbing the Mound Cemetery grounds has been filed. It is to be heard on November 12, 2013

“After a long two days, and the efforts by many to again ensure the mound was not disturbed by the City or Family in question, a complaint and request for injunction was filed today in Racine County Court; being served to the Mayor’s Office, as well as the office of the City Attorney. A hearing on the matter will be held at the Racine Court House on 12NOV2013 at 0830.

"Actions by City Representatives led to the legal action, as the City planned and moved towards digging or drilling at the Site this week; without a current permit from the Wisconsin State Historical Society. This intent was conveyed through several channels including announcement by Aldermen whom visited the Site while it was surrounded by its protectors.

"As we prepare for the hearing on 12NOV2013, we specifically ask that you send a private message with your contact information should you have witnessed these or similar statements from anyone in the City Government. Additionally, we will establish event pages soon to ensure representation during the hearing; as well as at the mound site.

"UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE it remains imperative that we continue to check the Site for activities several times and often throughout the day – each day. Any activity should be reported out as quickly as possible in order to mobilize everyone and alert media contacts. We want to thank all of those that stood watch in the past, and during the intense last couple of days. With legal action underway, we hope the matter comes to a successful resolution quickly.

"Together, we have all adverted tragedy twice now with little to no notice….. Together we can do great and honorable things! Keep the resolve! Be IDLE NO MORE!”

"For more on this and to contact them visit them on their facebook page at Ogichidaa Mawansomag"

Read more:

From Racine Communicator News:

"CITY OF RACINE PREPARES TO MOVE FORWARD WITH SACRED INDIAN BURIAL GROUND TESTING, DESPITE OUTCRY OF NATIVE AMERICANS AND CONCERNED CITIZENS!! Alderman Greg Helding refuses to shake hands with concerned community members and scoffs at the Native Americans that were on site to voice opposition to the illegal sale. Ald. Greg Helding also comments and says 'WE DONT NEED A PERMIT FROM ANYONE TO DIG' Various media sources are picking up this story once again, please view the WTMJ Channel 4 News story from today at the link provided below."

Read more:

This is so sickening.  Alderman Helding declares they "don't need a permit from anyone to dig," but they're ashamed to do it on camera.  As soon as the cameras show, they run away.

Not one word of this makes it into the Journal Times.  It's being broadcast on Milwaukee TV, but the Journal Times won't print it.  How corrupt can they get?


  1. That is why they call them the John Dickert Times. Someone needs to go to the JT facebook page and post the link to the story. Call them out and ask why aren't they reporting on it in their backyard. Censorship is alive and well in Racine.

    "Not one word of this makes it into the Journal Times. It's being broadcast on Milwaukee TV, but the Journal Times won't print it."

  2. The Racine Journal Times continues to protect the evil in government.

    Exactly why there is JTI, Racine Exposed, Racine Uncovered, Racine in Ruins get the idea!

  3. Anonymous said, thanks for the input Anonymous,

    Dickert needs to be shot right in his wiener sack, then we can change is name to "One Hung Low"

  4. Concerned Native Americans and residents of Racine are not protesting the Mayor's decision. This is an issue about fundamental fairness and respect for a Native American Burial Mound that is clearly identified on the 1850 map that created Mound Cemetery. There is also the issue of the promise to respect those Mounds made by the City to the Potawatomi Family that sold these lands to the City.

    It is also an issue of fairness to the other residents of Racine. If the land was salable, its actual value is $300,000, not the $19,000 that the Mayor wants to give it away for. Further, these cronies of the Mayor have already been granted special privileges by the Mayor in being allowed to block the sale of a Downtown Racine property to an African-American Funeral home and then being given tax-exempt status on that property when they purchased it after successfully blocking the sale.

    There is also video evidence that indicates that the Mayor's vote may have been rigged and the circumstances surrounding the vote are highly suspicious. For all these reasons and more, the sale must be voided and the land remain as currently platted.

  5. Why does Alderman Greg Helding maintain that soil borings will settle the question when:

    From The John Dickert Times:

    Developer says $200,000 was spent removing undetected foundations

    RACINE — The businessman behind a $1.2 million commercial development near Uptown has been awarded up to $100,000 in special project funds from the area’s tax increment finance district to help pay for unforeseen earth work.

    he foundations likely belonged to buildings that were demolished between 60 and 90 years ago.

    One of the foundations that was unearthed by construction crews was filled with debris, he said.

    “It was filled in with dirt, and also tires, and there was an old furnace,” Sadowski said. “They did a lot of soil borings on the site and none of the soil borings ever turned up any of this ... That area used to be a very prime residential area in the city.”

    Ajmeri estimates he had to divert about $200,000 from his actual building budget to remove the foundations and properly prepare the land for construction.

    Is Alderman Greg Helding also incompetent in addition to being a liar like his good Little Buddy - Lying John?

  6. Hey Richard, just break it down to the most basic of questions, If the land was not for sale, how were the Merediths able to purchase? AND, who came up with the dollar amount they would pay for the land that was not for sale?

  7. Dear Anonymous,
    The reason was because Mayor Dickert made another back room deal with the Meredith to sell it to them for that price, without any authority to do so.

    When this back room deal was getting pushed through, the cemetery commission unanimously voted against the sale, because the mound was never for sale, nor was it ever designated for grave sites.

    This was all the Mayor's doing, and all you need to do is watch the videos that show the city council vote to see how he manipulated the process. It is disturbing.

  8. Disturbing? It's an outrage. One of many. Dickert urinates on us.

    Party on, lying John!

  9. Memo to Anonymous, anonymous and anonymous:

    Please remain anonymous

    From: anonymous

  10. Thank you, anonymous


  11. Send the video link to the FBI, bid rigging is serious.

    "There is also video evidence that indicates that the Mayor's vote may have been rigged and the circumstances surrounding the vote are highly suspicious. For all these reasons and more, the sale must be voided and the land remain as currently platted."
