Wednesday, November 6, 2013

More ISON: Lovejoy Meets the Beehive

I managed to get up early again and image a couple of comets. ISON is rapidly getting lower in the sky. It is still not too bad, but you can tell it is on the move, much lower than last time I got out (last Saturday). It is not visibly impressive, but still easy to photograph (although the Zodiacal Light interferes more due to the lower elevation). Here is a pic from this morning.


Turning my attention to Comet Lovejoy, it is much higher in the sky and much more impressive. Lovejoy does not have the tail but it is much brighter and very easy to see. As a bonus, it is in the same binocular field as the Beehive star cluster right now and probably will be for another couple of days. I highly recommend getting out and tracking this one down.


More updates will be posted as I manage to drag myself out of bed in the mornings!

Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog

1 comment:

  1. Boppster, nice pics thanks for sharing.

    the next time your in town you have to show me how to work my camera to take pics like that, it has a zillion setting and I don't know which to use.
