Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Open Blog - Tuesday

Farm out!


  1. Comet ISON is now sporting a forked tail.

    Or is this a forked tale?

    Calling HaleBop for more pictures.

    Andromodo has spoken

  2. whoa... that picture will freak out the eyes if you're not quite awake yet, wowsers....

  3. Sitting at the airport waiting, always waiting. I want to thank all of you for making our trip more enjoyable.
    This morning I thought it was nice my sister was up to say goodbye. Except that wasn't the reason. She's sick and having an intimate relationship with the toilet. I do hope this doesn't turn into an oh shit moment.
    See you next time guys.

  4. Whenever I take the 5th I deserve the 5th... Try spending a week with your angry mother and you won't share either! Thank God the weather is nice to escape to! I'm turning into a Basketcase!

  5. Mary- It was so great to see you and your husband. I just pray you both have a very safe flight home. Sorry to hear about your sister.

    BLB- You will make it and I do know how you are feeling. I have done that with my mother too.

    I agree with you LM.

  6. has anyone seen my marbles?? can't find them anywhere, I blame the frog...

  7. I think the Sheriff already used that picture once. Or maybe I'm hallucinating.

  8. I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date. Where did the day go?
