Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Open Blog - Wednesday

Hump on, Irregulars!


  1. Hump Day!!!!!! I can hear the camel already!

  2. Its an English House Mouse...too funny.

  3. Hamsters and gerbils and mice. Oh my!

  4. Hope you are all enjoying a wonderful Wednesday.

    Instead of boasting of my Florida weather, I am chilling (literally) in Walhalla, SC. Damn, I forgot how cold that cold can be! Brrrrrrr. We went to a flea market today...a balmy 50 degrees. My home in FL was a chilly 65 degrees at 7 a.m. Was going to hit 80 for a high. That is the kind of weather I really, really like!

    Back to FL on Saturday. Temps will be in the low 80's by the time I get home.

    On the upside, we did get a bunch of stuff done.

  5. Why didn't my new photo show up? I entered a new profile?


  6. Got a good laugh on this one over at The John Dickert Times. Nice job, you know who.

    Mrs John Hanner - November 08, 2013 2:25 pm
    I'm thankful for the blogs and news sites in Racine that cover the stories that the Journal Times censors.
