Sunday, December 22, 2013

BLB at Lambeau Field

Our own BL Basketcase represents the JTI as she watches today's Packer game from the 40 yard line.

 Update: BLB has received VIP treatment from the Packers organization and placed in the warm press box.

Update:  The Packer organization invited BLB into the luxury press box for the second half.   Interviews to follow.

Update: After a few vodkas from her own cauldron, BLB secures her interview with legend Vince Lombardi.


  1. How awesome for you BLB. It's a great place to be, isn't it? And what a game.

  2. It was a very interesting game. Too bad it didn't end more favorably. Did you throw around the famous JTI name to get the interviews and upgrade?

    Hope the weather didn't make the trip back too hectic.

  3. Our proud Blb was again in rare form and entertained the many of the press core to a point of near hysteria. By the end of the 2nd. quarter her magical cauldron had put her in rare form and Blb was the desire of many a young men. Security escorted to to the safety of luxury boxes where she was free to interview some very prominent VIP's of the game. Blb later interviewed a giant amongst men at the game....wait to you see the pictures and you will truly be amazed who she interviewed ....More to follow

  4. Oh yes thank you,,, thank you! I really did not deserve all the attention. More to come after some rest! Whew!

  5. Bears lose. Packers face Bears next week "for the NFC North Division title in the regular-season finale at Soldier Field on Sunday. Winner go on, loser go home."

    Read more from Journal Sentinel:
    Follow us: @JournalSentinel on Twitter

  6. May the Bears play Sunday as well as they did last night. :}

  7. Double Funny, blb interviewing Vince Lombardi, She must have just come out of the Miller doors totally buzzed.

  8. I DID INTERVIEW HIM!!! I took many notes and pictures of HIM!!!
    I seemed to miss his head when I took his picture, so I did not post
    these pictures
    Lince Vombardi! He was a big man
    and was very cold standing outside for so long, that he did not say too much. He actually played many years himself as a great soccer player. I know I saw Lince actually wince when I asked him about being one of the Seven Blocks of Granite. But that is why
    he is so statuesque to this very day!

  9. Lambeau is really the only classic NFL stadium left. I am not a Packer fan, but I wanted to and got to attend a game there when I lived in Wisconsin.

    There are only two classic baseball stadiums left: Wrigley and Fenway (I went to games at old Yankee Stadium and Tiger Stadium before they were torn down)
