Monday, December 23, 2013

Open Blog - Monday

Put on your best Monday face.


  1. I like it....only thing I would have a booboo lip with todays Packer loss.

  2. bundling up and getting ready to head out, much rather be crawling back into bed!

  3. I have a happy face because we are getting ready to head up north. I just want to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas!

  4. A cold start here (18) but maybe above freezing today. I hope so because our trees may not make it if the ice stays on any longer.
    Thank goodness the Lions and Bears lost yesterday. Well, the Bears not only lost, they got smacked!
    Have a good day everyone.

  5. I have more faces than that. I tend to start out Monday optimistic, but leery... and let it ride from there.

    Two weeks off of work ahead. Amen. I definitely have a happy face today.

  6. it's official, Monday's bite. The only thing worse are Monday's that are the day before Christmas Eve and Monday's with a full moon...calgon, take me away!!

  7. Quiet day at the office...beautiful day outside. I got to go out last night with an amazing pro night sky photographer. Surprisingly, I was able to teach him a little, although he taught me more!
