Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my frozen giblets!  How are you?  How did you survive the deep freeze?  It’s still early winter, so we could be in for much more.  Oh my.  “They” say we’ll be into the upper 30’s by this weekend.  A heat wave.  Winter hardens you.  I think I could sleep outside in the 30’s now.

Oh, the weeping and gnashing of teeth over our Green Bay Packer’s playoff loss last Sunday!  The lamentations may go on for weeks.  The grieving process takes time.  Our once vivacious Packers are now emasculated.  Woe is us.  We must mourn our loss.  Oh gloom, oh gloom!

Señor Zanza and I took down our Christmas decorations.  That is, I took down the interior ones, while Señor Zanza fell off the roof and dragged down 90% of the outdoor decorations with him.  He’s sore, but OK.  Despite Junior’s offer to “blast down” the remaining 10% of decorations, they can stay up (or fall off) till next year.

Now begins the stretch of year that I dislike the most: January and February.  December can be very difficult, too, as we well know this year, but the holidays can compensate for that.  The next two months are bleak and cold.  Even though I’ve already seen the decorations up in stores, Valentine’s Day doesn’t cut it when it comes to subzero temperatures and major snowstorms.  Keep Valentine’s Day and give me heat!

“They” are blaming a “polar vortex” for our frigid weather.  I have no idea what that means, but it sounds impressive.  If there's anything we can do to “unpolarize” the vortex, or whatever has to be done, would someone please do it?  Something’s out of whack.  We get an ice age while Australia burns.  Or we get a mild winter while other countries are buried in ice and snow.  “They” are “experts,” so use your expertise to help us, please.

Finally, my dears, here’s a winter driving quiz to improve your skills:

I don’t drive my car in the winter.  I command it.

Thank you for reading my blog today.  I love having visitors.  I love having friends.  You and yours are always welcome here.  You are a delight.

Should you drive or stay home?  Ask

Stay warm, stay safe, stay beautiful, my dear friends.  This is the most challenging time of year.  Follow safety guidelines.  Be aware of your surroundings.  Watch out for the other guy.  Iatromisia!


  1. This is the longest stretch we go without a day off. However, in January we have playoff games to watch even though our guys didn't make it. And right after that, the Olympics start which should be great. After that, only a few more weeks until spring. I'm trying to be optimistic.

  2. "I command it." I love that. Thank you for the enjoyable blog. Be patient with El Senor. Men are a different breed, and persuasive pampering sometimes helps.

  3. Mme. Z, thank you for another fine blog. Winter sucks.

    Btw, I got all of the answers in the video right.
