Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Open Blog - Wednesday

I'm pretty sure it'll be cool.


  1. Good morning, lizardmommy!

    The temp might hit double digits today. For joy, for joy!

    Forget about being cool, have a warm Wednesday.

  2. LM - it took a few days and with the exception of the Christmas dishes, the decorations are down. Oops, I forgot the lights are still outside. It really is more fun putting them up, but easier taking them down. Except don't ask my husband as he will disagree. He has to put all the canisters back in the attic.

    Have a great day everyone; the weather is improving.

  3. Cool, and far out! Back to work and trying to ride the serenity wave. Serenity Now!

  4. Good morning gang. Warming to70 today and then creeping up the rest of the week. Weekend may require ac again.

  5. Hi all my irregies and anonies!
    My pipes froze on one side of house
    And that is not fun . Oh the joys of having a house.

  6. Oh Mary :( I have no plan on taking anything down til late in the month, the lights make me happy, why mess with that? I was daring and challenged hubby (currently laid off...), to get his corner of doom (things to do) in the livingroom finished up and cleared out and I'd take everything down. So far, he's made no progress, so I'm safe for some time!

  7. LM- If it was up to you your Christmas stuff would be up all year long. I don't blame you if it makes you happy.

    I can't wait for our heat wave this weekend but can do without the wintery mix we are going to get with it.

  8. Beejay said...
    "Good morning gang. Warming to70 today and then creeping up the rest of the week. Weekend may require ac again."


    BLB, did any of the pipes burst?

    Christmas lights are pretty at any time of year.
