Sunday, January 19, 2014

"Fishing Isn't For Everyone"

Just go to McDonald's and get a Filet-O-Fish sandwich.


  1. I always thought fishing was a relaxing sport. I'll have to show this to the fisherman when he gets home from fishing.

  2. One of those must be legal stranger.

    My favorite is the eagle swooping down and flying off with the guy's catch. I would've filled my pants. I hope the eagle didn't ingest the hook and/or get entangled in the line.

  3. I can relate to all those episodes.

    As the old adage goes:
    A bad day fishing still beats a good day at the office.

    And yes the best deal on fish is the fish fillet at McDonald's.

  4. If you want to fish, you have to think like a fish.

    Lots of laughs. My favorite clip was the wave over the pier. I would have been the woman standing in the river screaming when that big lunker she hooked came swimming up next to her.
