Monday, January 20, 2014

Open Blog - Monday

Have at it.


  1. I’ve deleted two blogs that I recently posted because they were particularly nasty and negative. It’s obvious that I have issues with certain subject matter.

    I apologize to the Irregulars and to the community at large.

    Have a stupendous Monday!

  2. Stupendous - wow, that's a tall order, I will try Orbs :)

  3. Have a great week! Try to stay warm. We have a cool week in store for us in SW FL. But, I think I can get out there and bike without freezing my butt off.

  4. Stupendous huh? That certainly is a tall order Orbs. We will try.

  5. As anaonanon, I share the spirits (5th) with all my irregulars friends. have a stupendous week!

  6. Finally getting over a crappy cold. Gotta love the germ machines I work with.

    Need to go fetch some vittles from the market before the deep freeze returns.

    You know, statistics show that the elderly and frail tend to make it through the harsh winter and then die in spring. That is just wrong.

  7. well, stupendous flew out the window about 1/2 hour after I commented... either something I ate or a fast walloping flu... feeling a little better now, I hate calling in sick for work, I'll aim for stupendous tomorrow
