Friday, January 31, 2014

Four for Fridays

Hello everybody and welcome back! What do you know, I remembered to set my alarm clock! Seeing I'm up bright and early, at BLB's request I'm going give you EIGHT questions instead of my usual four. So fire away with your answers and enjoy!

1) What do you prefer warm, snowy days or the frigid sub-zero temperatures?

2) Do you have any magazine subscriptions?

3) Do you sleep with your closet doors open or shut?

4) Who you think is going to win the Super Bowl, Seattle Seahwaks or the Denver Broncos?

5) Can you change the oil in your car?

6) What is your Chinese astrological sign?

7) Would ever consider going skydiving?

8) What do you wish you had invented?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Drew you are a Sweetie to give us an Eight ball!

    1) What do you prefer warm, snowy days or the frigid sub-zero temperatures?
    I prefer warm snowy days.

    2) Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
    I inherited National geographic and especially enjoy all the natives from around the world. The guys are buff!

    3) Do you sleep with your closet doors open or shut?

    I hate the doors open as it is a bit creepy and if I lay awake I think of how much better I can organize it.

    4) Who you think is going to win the Super Bowl, Seattle Seahawks or the Denver Broncos at
    winning the Super Bowl?
    Think the Broncos are gonna stomp the Sea Hawks
    This year! It is like Rock Paper Scissors! Big hoofs stomp birdies

    5) Can you change the oil in your car?
    Hell no! Should we make men totally without a purpose? I really hate answering a question with a question.

    6) What is your Chinese astrological sign?
    I am the virgin of virgins.on the cusp.

    7) Would ever consider going skydiving?
    Why jump out of a perfectly good airplane?

    8) What do you wish you had invented?
    The robot, but full service, that cleans, cooks, and takes care of ANY need without ignoring you or smoothly changing the subject and ignores you totally through distraction.

    Enjoy your weekend! Thank you Drew!,,, Extra work involved when you play hokey ! Hehe. Yeah birding on Friday. Sure!

  2. 1) What do you prefer warm, snowy days or the frigid sub-zero temperatures?
    A) I'll take warm snowy over sub-zero any day! Enough of this below zero crap.

    2) Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
    A) Not anymore. I used to get four different car mags. Now I just get Consumer Reports. It is a gift from a neighbor.

    3) Do you sleep with your closet doors open or shut?
    A) Closed.

    4) Who you think is going to win the Super Bowl, Seattle Seahwaks or the Denver Broncos?
    A) Probably the Broncos. But I'm leaning towards the Hawks. Chris Maragos is from Racine and a couple of Badgers play for the Hawks too. I will enjoy the commercials.

    5) Can you change the oil in your car?
    A)YES. And several others too.

    6) What is your Chinese astrological sign?
    A) My sign is the pig.

    7) Would ever consider going skydiving?
    A) I would consider it, but wouldn't do it.

    8) What do you wish you had invented?
    A) A politician ass kicking machine. It must be a well built machine capable of heavy duty use. The polished stainless steel kicking boot will be embossed with the following message. "elpoep eht fo lliw ehT"

  3. 1) I would prefer the warm snowy days.

    2) No

    3) Open and the bedroom in the winter time is so dang cold.

    4) Denver.

    5) No.

    6) The Dragon is one of the most powerful and lucky Signs of the Chinese Zodiac.

    7) No way and no would be able to talk me into it either.

    8) Something so that kids would listen and stop this I forgot thing. I am so tired of hearing that already. But BLB has a really good one too.

    BLB- You should have seen Drew yesterday he asked me if he should put eight questions up here today. I told him why not because you missed last week. See how I am on your side this week!

    I hope everyone stays safe this weekend with the snow coming. I have to pick my daughter up from work this weekend so I will be out in this mess!

  4. 1. Snowy day's.
    2. No
    3. shut.
    4. Seattle
    5. Yes
    6. Rat?
    7. Not In this lifetime.
    8. Toilet Paper.

  5. Ooooo a mistake. I''m a horse that is a virgin.

    Ok I'm with THB. The Almighty sisterhood. We totally rock, Dudettes! Jenny's weekly meeting on Monday.
    The best disrobed men are there and besides, KK will give us the answers.

  6. 1) snowy days

    2) No

    3) shut?

    4) Seattle Seahawks

    5) change the oil Yes but don't

    6) Have no Idea

    7) skydiving? I would Rather stick needles in my eyes

    8) invented? Bras, tampons, coffee, cigarettes, gasoline. Items that are always going to be needed.

  7. BLB...8) What do you wish you had invented?
    The robot, but full service, that cleans, cooks, and takes care of ANY need without ignoring you or smoothly changing the subject and ignores you totally through distraction

    Isn't that a wife or husband?

  8. BLB- I will be there with you. We do have to stick together. We just have to make sure we have enough $1 bills when we go there.

  9. Let us all, just hope Drew doesn't miss his day again... My brain is fried with all of these questions. Heaven forbid if he ever misses 2 weeks.

    1. Warm ( not snowy )days.
    2. Just the usual, playboy, maxim, SI, Glamour, Good Housekeeping, Real Simple and Food & Wine ( I just read the wine part)
    3 I'll have to check, I don't know because my eyes are shut.
    4. Seahawks or maybe Broncos...again I don't know.

    Half-way home baby....

    5. You're suppose to change the oil?
    6. I'm with SER, I have no frickin idea.
    7. If I did, there would have to be alot of favors being done prior to taking that action on, if you get my drift.
    8. I guess I wish I'd invented the internet, but Al Gore beat me to it. I like SER's line of thinking, but I kinda wish the bra was never invented.

    Thanks Drew...done, now it's naptime, geez.

  10. 1. Warm snowy days.

    2. None. Mainly because they start notifying you 8 months in advance telling you your subscription is about to end when it's not. Made me mad.

    3. Open.

    4. I hope Seattle.

    5. No.

    6. Horse

    7. No. Had a friend do it once and he ended up going through where a cropduster had just sprayed. Lucky for him, he ended up in a pond and cleaned it all off.

    8. I would like to invent something that would enable me to put lotion on my back. I can't think of anything else right now as I'm at work and my brain isn't functioning correctly.

    Thanks Drew!

  11. 1) I prefer snow over the subzero stuff.

    2) I get AARP magazine because I belong, but I don't subscribe to any.

    3) The closet doors are open because Charlie insists upon it.

    4) The winners are the NFL owners.

    5) Yes.

    6) Rabbit.

    7) No skydiving for me.

    8) Windows 95.

    Thank you, drew, for the doubleheader.

  12. 1. No snow over warm snow.....sounds like an irregular drink
    2. noe nil nada zip ZAPADA
    3. ever watch Monsters,,ALWAYS sleep with the closet doors......
    4. DENVER by a mile.....hahahaha get it?
    5. Did you know one of BLB's many talents is being a greased monkey
    6. Chinese astrological SIGN ?
    Menard's Walmart Home Dump Sears
    Harbor Freight and of course everybody's favorite store to resent........ WALGREENS All cheap shit from China sales companies
    7. Like Eric Claptain, fly high in the taxi, does't hurt as bad when you roll out of the car door.
    8. wish ?....I invented the internet, but conman Al Gore got the bragging rights.
    Thanks for asking.
    Have a great weekend irregulers !

  13. Goodness. Not what I want to invent but would like to have.

    Facebook. I read Mark Zuckerberg made a ton of money this week.

  14. Good golly, I'm with jed... I might need a nap after all this questioning.

    1. I don't like snow nor the frigid cold.
    2. Nope. Don't get me going, here. A pet peeve... My deceased mother is STILL getting magazines delivered to my address 5 years later. They count on the fact that people are old or confused and don't know when they paid. Evidently, they snagged a lot of unwarranted "your subscription is about to retire" money from her, and she was on a fixed income. Grrrr.
    3. Open
    4. I only watch for the commercials.
    5. Only if you count going to Jiffy Lube.
    6. One born in the Year of Dog has a straightforward character. They are faithful, courageous, dexterous, smart and warm-hearted.
    7. Only if the plane was going down.
    8. I think I've had a bunch of successful ideas that have been stolen.

    Thanks drew. Ladies, see you at Jenny's.

  15. Jed, the reason bras where invented, it stop them from hanging in their oatmeal every morning.

  16. 1) I hate driving in the snow and I hate warming up the car for 20 minutes every morning. Either way I lose...

    2) No. I used to subscribe to Rolling Stone.

    3) Open.

    4) Denver. I have been really impressed with Peyton Manning's pass protection this season. Give him a chair and that ball will still find its target.

    5) I can with older cars. New cars I won't touch.

    6) Horse

    7) I can be persuaded to try this, but I won't go alone.

    8) The wheel. Think of how much money I'd make with patenting...

  17. 1. I've never thought of a snowy day as warm, so can I take warm without snow? 50 would be nice, 60 even nicer, 72 perfect
    2. Cook's Country
    3. our closets in our room as not insulated well, so closed at all times or our room is pretty darn cold. If there are any monsters in there, they'll freeze to death win win
    4. No clue, I only pay attention if our boys are playing
    5. I learned how a bazillion years ago but haven't had to do it, that's what I have the hubby for.
    6. no idea
    7. let's look at the logic here..
    I am already on the ground. If I did sky dive, the end result would be to land on the ground, sounds like alot of work to return to where I already am. I'll stay put, thanks
    8. I'm drawing a blank, I think I need a nap :)

    Thanks Drew!
