Friday, January 31, 2014

"Hackers steal Yahoo! Mail usernames, passwords"

"SUNNYVALE, Calif., Jan. 31 (UPI) -- Attackers now own an undisclosed number of Yahoo! Mail usernames and passwords, stolen from a third-party site, the Sunnyvale, Calif., Internet giant said.

"As a result, Yahoo! will now require affected users to change their passwords and use a one-time second sign-in verification to re-secure their accounts, Yahoo! Inc. Senior Vice President Jay Rossiter wrote in a blog post.

"'We regret this has happened and want to assure our users that we take the security of their data very seriously,' Rossiter said in the blog.

"He did not say when the breach occurred, other than 'recently.' He called it a 'coordinated effort' but did not say which third party was involved."

Uh-oh.  Now it's hitting close to home.  I'm afraid to check out how many Yahoo accounts I have.


  1. They got us earlier in the week. We received a "mail failure" and when I looked at it I knew right away. So we already changed things.
    This is getting ridiculous and something I'm afraid we have to get used to.

  2. I have many accounts, too. I believe the sheriff will need to reset some passwords and share new info with administrators, as well. It is terrible that you can be robbed while you are safely tucked in your bed.

  3. I wanna know if they ever catch any of these hackers and if they do what is done legally to them?

    If it were me, for punishment, I would cut all their Frigg 'in fingers off, then let them go find medical help. A meat cleaver would work just fine.

  4. DUDE! One of my very old accounts in gmail had been signed into a few days ago. This account was linked to my yahoo account. (I recall that a long time ago, they required either a mobile phone number or an alternate email for "recovery" purposes) I see that the person was in Turkey. Yahoo stopped the suspicious sign-in, but.... there was a successful sign in and account with Instagram set up a day prior. Wonder what "I" instagrammed and to whom? Bastards.
