Wednesday, January 1, 2014

"'Like a Napa Valley wine tour': Pot tourism ready to light up in Colorado"

"As Colorado becomes the first state in the nation to allow recreational marijuana sales beginning Jan. 1, a budding pool of 'potrepreneurs' have high hopes for an influx of out-of-town pot tourists.

"Colorado Highlife Tours, which promises 'fun, affordable and discreet' cannabis-centered excursions, is expanding its private and public limo and bus tours.

"“You’ll be able to buy a little pot here and there, see a commercial grow, visit iconic Colorado landmarks and take lots of pictures,' said company owner Timothy Vee. 'It will be like a Napa Valley wine tour.'

"Cannabis-friendly guides, activities and tours in Colorado are already available. As of Dec. 31, 18 retail marijuana stores in Denver had received licenses to open on the first of the year and two dozen other marijuana-related businesses that had met the city's licensing requirements were awaiting approval. Beyond the Mile High City, more than 25 other towns and cities will allow medical marijuana businesses to start adding or transitioning to retail marijuana sales on Jan. 1."

Read more:

Maybe I should retire in Colorado . . .


  1. Just in time for the next whacked out assault on humanity.

    I can agree with medical use, but the reality is more impaired drivers and more excuses for sub performance at work.

  2. "I can agree with medical use, but the reality is more impaired drivers and more excuses for sub performance at work."

    You may be right. I suspect, though, that those who would drive impaired already do so, just like they get their reefer although it's illegal. Unfortunately, marijuana and alcohol mix readily.

    Actually, calling marijuana illegal stigmatizes it. We should call it undocumented or some other politically correct phrase. It's not marijuana's fault that people smoke it, and it's been here a lot longer than we have.

  3. about time someone (state) steps up to the plate...

  4. Once Colorado realizes all the money coming in from pot, I do believe more states will legalize it. And (hopefully) the feds will follow suit.
    God knows it will free up some of the prison space.
    I think it's great.

  5. Red Light, Green Light.

    Cannabis-Related Working Memory Deficits and Associated Subcortical Morphological Differences in Healthy Individuals and Schizophrenia Subjects

    Marijuana Users Have Abnormal Brain Structure and Poor Memory

    Drug abuse appears to foster brain changes that resemble schizophrenia

    And, WTF - why wage a war against Drunk Drivers if you're going to allow THIS!

    Gov. Scott Walker has signed a bill that legalizes drinking on pedal pubs. Pedal pubs accommodate up to 16 riders that sit across from each other, using peddles underneath their seats to slowly power the quadracycles across city streets.

    Just HTF do they think the drunks will get home from this?

  6. Afroman.

    Because I got High.

    Snoop D-o-Double GG The Next Episode

    10 - YES, 10 hour re-mix of Get High Everyday!

    SNooP D-o-Double GG

  7. To me, no legalization unless there is a breathalyzer equivalent for marijuana.

    Like alcohol, I'm all for someone sitting at home, watching TV and smoking a doob. No harm, no foul-its your mind-go ahead and blow it!

    The problem is the ABUSE of it.... Do you want a waitress serving you stoned? A doctor operating on you stoned? A driver driving stoned? I don't! If it isn't happening already, its going to happen... It's human nature to try to bend the rules. There has to be some sort of control....
