Thursday, January 2, 2014

Open Blog - Thursday

Have a bright day.


  1. Happy second day of 2014!

    We're starting off the new year in a very Wisconsin way: snowstorms.


    Have a great day (if you're not buried in snow).

  2. I hope if you have to go out in this mess just be very careful. Drew is on his way to work right now and I just pray he makes it to work and home.

    They are saying on the news that there are a lot of car accidents out on the roads and Racine is the hardest hit area with the snow.

  3. No snow here, just temps in the low teens.
    On a bright note, I finally found some of my long underwear that has been missing since our trip. Apparently I hung it up in the closet. Who does that?

    Stay safe my Irregular friends.

  4. I am buried and really hate being trapped in the house like this...makes me think of housework I SHOULD be doing. Ya know the house
    work never goes away. At least I am off today and only have to worry about survival of my own mind.

    Everyone please stay safe out there and do at least one thing positive to make yourself happy. Preaching again...or is it nagging?

  5. I don't think it's either BLB, I think it is kind words.

    As for housework, I dusted on Tuesday and when I opened the blinds this morning I could see another heavy layer. It will still be there on Monday when I do it again. It's not the old days when women stayed at home and had time to do these things. Us working women need to relax once in a while.

  6. You are absolutely right Mary!
    Lots of us have deep seated issues
    in that department.

    Ahhh....maybe I will go play in the snow today...... shovel the walks
    and make a cubic snowman. Rounding it makes my hands too cold.
    I think every pair of boots I have leaks!!!

    I see nothing wrong in hanging up long underwear!

  7. so much least it's still pretty and bright white, nothing more depressing than when it turns dirty and gray and the sun goes into hibernation... back to cuddling up with a warm blanket and being a bum, or maybe make some cookies... we'll see!

  8. It is too bright. Make it stop. Just shoveled and I'm frozen and snowblind. Tried yo take a picture of it and the camera couldn't handle all the white. Did we offend Mother Nature again... Madame Z?

  9. The Weather Witch is at it again..... She is such a bitch.

  10. BLB, you of all people deserve a break. Your job is draining. Screw the housework. Like Mary said, it isn't going anywhere. You help save lives. You need to take care of yourself.

    I was out driving around 3 PM. As kk noted, I was also snowblind. All that white and all that sun.

    Around here, the snow was the light, fluffy kind, and not too difficult to remove from the truck. I wonder if they got more closer to the lake?

    Btw, I saw on the news that the flu is spreading. The building manager and his assistant here both have it. They didn't get the flu shot. I did. So far, so good, for me.

  11. I'm alive.... Just waiting for the damn snow and cold to go away. Need to out there and do some serious birding! Only seven species this year so far...

    Now that my holiday "vacation" is over, it's back to the grind. Overtime for the rest of the week. Maybe, I'll get a chance to see that new Hobbit movie on Sunday...
