Friday, January 24, 2014

Open Blog - Friday

Do the chicken dance!


  1. Chicken dance, you have to do that to keep your feeties off the ground so you don't freeze in place.

  2. My 1st job was as a bus kid at a German restaurant, and we had to do the chicken dance nightly, taking people away from eating, usually fun, even got a date out of it :)

  3. My kids love to do the chicken dance when they were younger.

    Sorry everyone but Four for Fridays is going to be late today. Drew forgot to set his alarm clock and woke up late but I did get him to work on time. He said to let you know he will get it on here when he gets home from work. He does have the questions written down to ask today.

    If you are going out the temp right now is minus 5 degrees. Please stay warm and have a great day!

  4. Have a grand Friday! Even cool here. High today 65 degrees...too windy to ride today. May have to tie Sable to me for her walk!

  5. Believe it or not, OKC schools are closed today because of the cold temps. Right now it is 4 but it is supposed to be in the 40's. The last time they did this they made a lot of people mad because they made the announcement so late.

    And, I woke up to a big zit on my chin. Isn't that attractive.

    Stay warm Irregulars.

  6. I have mood poisoning....must be something I hate.

    It cannot be the weather!!!

    Anyone know if we are getting snow or anything else drastic for Sunday?
    That is when I want to leave!
    Legal says I should make a side trip to CLUB MED....but that is
    Club Medication as his idea. I can't call him a jerk because he is watching my house and fixing the pipes unless the spirit does not move him.
    The spirit does not move him a lot.

    Tax time sucks and they had to make it at the most depressing time of year... those dirty government. #@$&@&#%....
    Minni Chick...come on over! I got cheese to go with plenty o' whine.
    Hey, hey hey! Blurred Lines!!

    If I ever get there maybe I'll swing past BeeJay. I got to figure out this tweeting better. Too bad I could not bring Tootsie Roll,my mini dachshund (a longhair.)

    Mary... zits indeed suck! I know we were born in the same year ! Why does our bodies think we are
    PMSing. I am out of estrogen and
    because of that I should not own any weapons.

    Drew better not be late, as I am in withdrawel, THB.

    Lizardmom...WOW!!! Getting a date from the "chicken dance"!!!!!
    Are you sure it wasn't just a ritual that attracted the male version of the hen....uuuummm ah...never mind. I'll bet SER could figure that out. hehehehe

  7. BLB - I also noticed that it is time for a threading as the hair on my upper lip is back. I'd better watch it or people will be calling me Marty instead of Mary.

  8. I have fine hair and it is not full as it is baby fine like always... Also on my legs! I saw a huge grey hair sprout
    On the area above my knee that was one I have never seen anywhere only body! Wth! Maybe they will start on my face next!!! just scary!

  9. I'm not crazy from hormones, no visible blemishes, and the hair on my body is all in the right places. Lmao!

    It is ridiculously cold outside, though. The wind blew through my jeans this morning.

  10. I'm wearing shorts, because It's much easier to put them on instead of jeans, because of my bad knee. Jeans are alway's very cold In cold weather anyhow. I have to walk stiff legged in order to keep the jean fabric off of my thighs. Lower legs don't get cold.

  11. As Ed Mcmann would say heeeeeeeeere's Marty !

  12. P.S. I don't do the Chicken Dance. Ever.
