Friday, January 24, 2014

Useless Information

Did you know:

On 22-Nov-63 the morning John F. Kennedy was shot it was raining in Dallas, TX.

While it was raining, the roof on the Presidential Limo was on.  Just prior to the start of their procession through Dallas the rain stopped and the roof was remove.

If the roof would have been left on, the shooter would not have been able to see him in the limo.  With it off, JFK was an open target.


  1. I believe that was the last time any President traveled with the top off. I can look back at what happened that day and one day I realized I witnessed someone being murdered. Still gives me the creeps.

  2. Are they still having trouble with the new pope sneaking out to join the crowds? I think it's great he wants to open up the papacy to commoners, but some nutjob will take a shot at him. We have way too many nutjobs and not enough people like the current pope.

    Like Mary, I will always remember the JFK assassination. That's the day that the nation's innocence died. It's been downhill ever since. People who would be in prison during Kennedy's term are now our "leaders."

  3. It has been said before, Johnson and his band of criminals had Kennedy killed. How pathetic that the Warren commision still keeps secret files of the killing of Kennedy. Remove every politician out of office.
