Thursday, January 16, 2014

Open Blog - Thursday

Are those Easter eggs? Already?


  1. should be back in the 30's today, be careful of the melting icy stuff, could be a fun driving day, be safe!

  2. I just counted and there is 94 days until Easter which is April 20.

    Have a great day everyone.

  3. The first second generation Irregular turned 5 yesterday.. Had a very busy day at work and busy day in the evening putting together a birthday dinner and cake for Maia.. Fell asleep around 9:30 which is early for us and by 11:30 Maia starts screaming from her bed that she has to puke.. Been up all night with her and worked all day.. I'm exhausted, the little one has been lying around watching TV all day and her big sister has been doing the same although she is not sick.. Just not allowed to go to school when someone in the household has stomach sickness..

    I suppose it's the beginning of the cold/flu season here in our household.. boo

  4. it's been awhile since that has happened..

  5. Happy Birthday Maia. We are sorry to hear that she is not feeling good now. We hope you get better soon and pray that it is not the cold/flu.

  6. Happy birthday Maia. I hope you're feeling better. The flu has just started hitting hard in the states. I don't know about there.

  7. Happy birthday Maia!

    I'm cold. That's all I have to say!

  8. Happy Birthday to our little Irregular. So unfair to spend it sick. Sweden seems to be so much smarter in how they handle most things, like keeping siblings home when they are sick... and we blunder along and spread the illness.

    Beejay, snuggle with the pup. We are really freezing and the snow is flying.
