Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Open Blog - Tuesday

Try to stay warm.


  1. I've progressed to 3, yes, 3 pair of socks...I bundle up so dang much only my eyes show and I can barely bend, but I'm fairly warm. I will save being cute for summer, I'd rather not die from the cold in this stuff. Stay warm, dear friends, it's bad

  2. Happy Frigid Tuesday!

    Only 52 more days to spring.

  3. Gary Becker transferred to sturtevant correctional since his re-arrest last week on probation violations. Where is the reporting in this town!

  4. Still. -13 with a. -33 wind chill. Dangerous out there. I am snuggled under the covers and thankful to not have to be out. Be safe everyone. This is nothing to scoff at. If you must go out, be a smart Wisconsinite. Have blankets and emergency items in the car.

  5. We have snow on the ground and it's a balmy 14.
    Do you believe it is warmer in Alaska?

    Stay warm and safe Irregulars.

  6. I'm sorry y'all but I'm sittiing in Sunshine eating fresh salmon but everything has a big price. I would rather be home and hated there !! Hahaha

  7. uppity irregular leaves us freeze in Wis. while she basks in the sun eating salmon....blablabla

  8. Like I said all has a price. When your out of site your out of f,ing mind
    Live with all the shit but in a nice place. I'll keep on serving my purpose as a fixer of everyone else's shit

  9. must be the purple hat

  10. Anonymous said...
    Gary Becker transferred to sturtevant correctional since his re-arrest last week on probation violations. Where is the reporting in this town!

    New story: "Becker released from custody"

    STURTEVANT — Former Racine Mayor Gary Becker was released from the Sturtevant Transitional Facility Tuesday afternoon, but the Wisconsin Department of Corrections could not elaborate on the alleged probation violation for which he spent 11 days in custody.

    “I can confirm he was released this afternoon,” said DOC public affairs director Joy Staab Tuesday, also confirming that his probation had not been revoked.

    Becker, 56, was arrested on Jan. 17 for still unspecified “treatments violations,” and at that time Staab said it was unlikely that more details would be released so as to not violate privileged information protected under HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).

    She gave no further details after Becker’s release Tuesday.

    Becker served as mayor of Racine from 2003 to 2009 until he went to a mall to meet a 14-year-old girl and instead met an undercover agent in an online sex sting.

    Becker served a three-year prison sentence and began his five-year extended supervision term Feb. 26. He is not to have any contact with minors.


  11. Orbs, I'm just wondering how long it's going to be before that sick bastard does rape some young innocent girl.

  12. We don't know how much of a danger he is because no one will tell us.
