Monday, February 10, 2014

Open Blog - Monday

Happy Monday!


  1. 2 degrees at 2 o'clock and all is well.....

  2. if they haven't changed the forecast, I read it's to get to almost 30 on Wednesday and Thursday! If they retract that, I may just cry!

  3. Good morning all, if you see me blogging at 8 am, you know I'm home sick. I'm on the better side of it, though, my eyes are working again. :o

    The JTI is hopping. I had to scroll a-ways to get to the daily blog! Good stuff, as usual!

    I watched some Olympics yesterday. One reporter was in Siberia. It looked much like Racine: damn cold, and animals running around everywhere! Seriously, I don't know how people live there, and everybody was outside in the cold!

  4. I have to tell you that the forecast (after today's weather advisary) calls for warmer temps starting on Wed. It is supposed to be 64 by the weekend.
    Personally I will believe it when I feel it. Saturday was supposed to be sunny and 43. Reality - cloudy and 32.

  5. Warm and getting warmer...cold be mid 80s by the weekend. Yes, that is quite a bit above normal for February in Tucson. Already looking at running in the morning to beat the heat.

  6. Sitting and chilling and bored. It's still in the 70's at
    7 o'clock..... All is well SER......hah! Sorry sorry!

    Homesick and have nothing to do and I'm an idiot with the remote ,
    Staring at walls, good Gawd!

  7. I'm getting used to the cold. Isn't this what winter was like when we were kids?
