Monday, February 10, 2014

"Lobbyist or Mayor? Will the Real John Dickert Please Stand Up!"

From Racine Exposed:

"John Dickert  is a Senior Advisor to the Heartland Solutions Group and is currently serving in his second term as Mayor of Racine, Wisconsin."

"John Dickert is a very busy man – because he is also a Political Advisor at TrendPo."

Read more:

Say it ain't so, John.


  1. Whoa whoa whoa....wait a minute? Is this even legal? Something is really wrong with this whole thing.

  2. This is a very interesting situation, and it demands a full investigation. There are many boundaries here that can be very easily broken, and lead to serious criminal charges - and as Racine knows all too well, the Mayor is very ethically challenged and enjoys playing with fire.

    How tempting is it to use the office of Mayor and the tools that the taxpayers of Racine have provided him with to further his private business interests? VERY. Almost irresistible.

    With the power of inside knowledge and access to the halls of power in both the private and public sphere - the opportunity to violate ethics and laws becomes very great - and many men have been imprisoned because they have crossed that line.

    When does the investigation begin?

    Good choice of picture.

  3. I'm all for keeping things on the up and up and staying informed. Before we jump off any cliffs, is it unusual for those in office, and in administrative positions to hold advisory side positions? I think it might not be.

    What these companies represent, how much time is being spent, and is this a volunteer position or paid are some of the the real questions in my mind.

    Yes, there should be total transparency and some concrete ledger for hours, payment, travel, potential cost (and subsequent repayment or billing) of public funds/vehicles, and clarity of potential conflict of city and public interest.

  4. At the core of the issue will once again be John Dickert's status at the time of his actions:

    Lobbying Law

    Subchapter III, Chapter 13, Wisconsin Statutes, establishes the regulation of lobbyists, lobbying organizations, and lobbying activities in Wisconsin. To access a copy of Wisconsin's lobbying law, click here.

    Lobbying Guidelines

    For lobbying related guidance from the Government Accountability Board, click here.

    Lobbying Opinions

    For lobbying related opinions of the Government Accountability Board, click here.

    I know that some Racine Aldermen were unaware of John Dickert's other status - which reeks of a lack of transparency by John Dickert.

    An investigation at the State level needs to begin NOW!

  5. HEY Lying JT and Lying Jim Kaplan!

    Can the residents get their money back now!

    Journal Times Editorial: Dickert is mayor 24/7, so city was right to pay legal fees

    The mayor is the mayor 24 hours a day, seven days a week. He can’t put on the hat of mayor one moment and that of a private citizen the next.

  6. How soon can we expect the damage control story from The John Dickert Times?

  7. The Mayor of Racine John Dickert is working for a Lobbying Company Heartland Solutions Group, as Senior Adviser What? I thought he was Mayor 24/7 what is going on here?

    How can he be both a Mayor and Adviser? Who is he advising? We will talk about this

    Blog Talk Radio
