Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Open Blog - Wednesday

Me Tarzan.


  1. Happy Frigid Wednesday!

    I agree with lizardmom: dress appropriately.

    Or should we dress in summer wear in the hope that ignoring the cold weather will make it go away?

  2. Where's Jane...I need Jane...


    Never mind Everyone have a P & P day.

    Let's go P!

  3. Although we aren't as cold as you, we are still 20 degrees below normal. March is coming in like a lion with snow and freezing temperatures.
    Someone might want to tell that to our tree which is starting to bud. Hopefully it will be okay.

    Stay warm Irregulars.

  4. Nice here...cloudy a lot. Finally broke this morning though.

    Just found out that I might be heading to a meeting near Chicago in late March. If all falls into place, I will try to hit Racine for a couple of days. Warm up by then!
