Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my late-February family!  How are you?  “They” say we’re dipping below zero again tonight, and even lower tomorrow night.  Lovely.  “They” are always predicting bad news.  I don’t think this winter is going to just roll over and die.  We may have to take drastic measures, such as sacrificing people to the Weather Witches.  I suggest, of course, that we start with the meteorologists.  Always blame the bearer of bad news, my dears.

I see that City Hall is closed down due to a possible asbestos leak.  Thank goodness that we have an enlightened and dynamic individual who rose to the occasion as soon as he heard word of the disaster: Mr. OrbsCorbs, who posted a blog on the situation (, linking to two different news sources.  Huzzah!

Overheard: “I thought that all of the bullshit in City Hall protected us from the asbestos.”  Oh my.

Another one of Mr. OrbsCorbs recent posts concerns a brazen Racine hussy who drunkenly bared her breasts to police officers in a parked squad car during downtown Racine’s recent Mardi Gras pub crawl (  Shame, shame on her!  Fie, I also say, fie! Drunkenness is not an excuse for coarse conduct.  It excuses nothing, but it exposes all of your faults.  I hope that this floozy has learned her lesson.  Main Street is not Bourbon Street.  I suspect that the morning after this stunt, it didn’t seem like such a good idea.  I hope she remembers that the next time that she’s inspired to do something dumb.

Harsh words?  I’m sorry; you’d have to be a woman to understand.  Women in the news for acting poorly hurt all women.

A bill has been introduced in our State legislature that would give local municipalities veto power over proposed roundabouts in their domains. Our Department of Transportation has come out against the bill:  Personally, I dislike roundabouts.  I hope local control is returned, but that will mean nothing if the control is returned to people like Mr. Mayor Dickert and his predecessor, Mr. Disgraced Mayor Becker.  They don’t care what snafus their decisions cause; they just want as much “free” money as they can get from the state and/or federal governments.  I say spend the money on bettering Drivers Education and enforcing traffic law.

I’m glad that the Winter Olympics ended without incident.  Many of the “experts” were predicting terrorist attacks.  Ha!  Come to Madame Zoltar® when you want a real expert.  I’m an expert on everything.  My rates are lower than the pay that those “experts” draw.  “Next time, try me, Madame Z.”™ You won’t be disappointed.

Thank you, my illustrious Irregulars and friends, for stopping by my blog this week.  As always, I crave company and positive feelings.   I love my family, and you’re it.

If Main St. isn’t Bourbon St., then which street is?  Ask

Irregulars, put on your winter gear and face the world for another week.  This is boot camp for spring.  Let’s prepare ourselves for a return to weather sanity.  Let’s prepare ourselves for whatever comes.  Osphresis!    


  1. Yes city hall does protect itself with their bullshit Their rein of economic terror will soon end.

  2. Thanks, Mme. Z, for the links to my blogs and the lesson in respect for women.

  3. I just can't wait for the warm weather because I am tired of the layers of clothes.

    I hope that the lady learns her lesson and does have respect for herself and other women. Daddy Orbs great blog on this one.
