Monday, February 10, 2014

From our email:

"Subject: Hello

"Remember me! Yes it’s the Racine News guy and yep I am still around! I am happy to see your community has grown and you have all stayed together. I am sure you know I still manager the Racine Uncovered & We are Racine web sites For Beth David it’s no secret

"I just wanted to stop in and say hi and let you know I revived the domain as a portal of links to some of the independent news sites and blogs around town. I hope you don’t mind I linked you guys in from your RSS feed. If you would rather not be featured just let me know and I will stop linking to you. Hope all is well send my love to Madame Zoltar!

" News Links and Feeds for Racine Wisconsin Racine Wisconsin Scanner (Live Audio) Internet and Security News For Nerds"

Welcome back!  Thank you for the link.

Racine News is now listed under Local News sites on our sidebar and Racine Scanner is in our Local & Area Blogs & Sites list. 


  1. Great to have you back in business, C! Looking forward to reading some "real" news. Thanks for your loyalty!

  2. Love to you, too, my dear!

  3. the guys a "masher", right away he starts hitt'in on Madame Zoltar...Laugh'in

    welcome back C!
