Saturday, April 12, 2014

Open Blog - Weekend

Party on!


  1. the plan is to open up all the windows and get some fresh air flowing! I was less than ambitious during the week, but started finally making great progress on the to-do list last night, I may even finish it today!

  2. I quit making "to do" lists. Now, I only make "must do" lists.

  3. And from the "only in Oklahoma Department".
    In order to run for Governor it would appear you have to say the words "I am a Christian Conservative". They all are so far.

    And, you can steal a car at gunpoint, go over 100 MPH while alluding police and then call your mother complaining about the way police are treating you. And of course, the mother agrees.

    Have a great day Irregulars!

  4. Today is just play it as it comes because tomorrow the Grandkids will be here over night. I just can't wait to see them because we have not seen them since Christmas.

    I wish I could open windows here to air it out no screens right now they are being fixed.

    Have a great day!

  5. It would be super easy for me to be a bum, after getting home from work or on a lazy Saturday, like today. My to-do lists combine things I have to get done with projects I have been avoiding. Once I write them down, I feel more compelled to try tackling them (like my huge recipe project - done!), next dreaded one is pictures... We're having Easter here, non traditional food, we're doing Mexican, there's no rule that says you have to have ham, tho I do like it :)
    I had to check myself, it started raining and I thought 'geez, how gloomy', then reminded myself it's not SNOW! and with winter comes lots of dirty grunge that the rain will help wash away, I found myself thankful instead. Let's go out and sing in the rain!!

  6. Drew and I have been getting things done here today with the kids and grandkids coming tomorrow. I also took him out birding and did some shopping so I can make them something to eat.

    Next weekend we will be up north visiting with both families for Easter. I am so looking forward to that!

  7. Motorcycles are now out in the warmer weather, and so are the damn boom cars. Beware of both.

  8. Good Morning to my lovely friends on JTI.
    The world turns.......
    Sorry for not being on as much but been busy with a
    Class for medical services and busy with mom.

    It is hard to keep up! TOO often I am in a pity party
    state and have nothing positive to say. I have signs
    Of PTSD I think.

    Why aren't they searching for the jet with submarines?
