Friday, April 11, 2014

Welcome Back, Racine County Corruption!

Racine County corruption has been added to the sidebar list of Local and Area Blogs and Sites.


  1. I checked out Racine County Corruption - and I agree.

    It is corrupt.

    Defending Rich Chiapete? What's the job pay?

    My thoughts:

    *WOW* are you ever blind to the facts.

    Not only did Rich Chiapete lie to the Police, he was in the process of trying to get someone to be the FALL Guy. That was no lapse in judgement, that is a deliberately planned act.

    Rich got extra special treatment because it's common for the Police and DA to trump up charges and then later offer a so-called "plea deal" to what should have actually been charged. Some deal, huh? Yet the false charges still remain in the record.

    A "few drinks" More lies. He's a big guy and works out. He had A LOT of drinks. A LOT of drinks.

    The Newspapers were more than kind in limiting coverage and limiting exposure. Hopefully The JT, The Wisconsin State Journal, LEE Enterprises and The AP got lots of pay from the GOP for minimizing coverage.

    Then he gets to keep his job prosecuting people. What a joke! The guys a dirt-bag and needs to be fired! This is only the first time he's been openly caught.

    As Rich is "Both Eyes Blind To Government Crime", so are you!

  2. How about a Poll? What do you think?

    Ya' gotta wonder, who was being asked to take the Fall?

    The Wife?


    The Neighbor?

    I wonder if he will get the Mozol treatment at home? It wasn't long after Robert and Melissa had their session at Sanders Park when the divorce came. And YES! while both Robert and Melissa were married, it just wasn't to each other!

  3. Welcome back RCC.
    Continue to fight corruption, as every bit of cleansing
    Will foster A better world.

    As far as the DA goes....
    He deserves equal treatment as ever other person
    receives who commits these crimes. No favoritism.

    I do not believe he should resign at this time, but
    He did commit more than one offense here, and did not take initial accountability.

    He did apologize and that is better than no apology.
    I met Rich and I found him very friendly. He is
    People oriented. That is probably why he got into trouble in the first place. Too bad he took it further
    And ran.

    Karma can bite. I am sure there are people out there applauding his actions (as maybe there was a similar act in which wrongful prosecution was committed.) Now this crime was committed by one on the side of the law. He knew the public would turn him into
    Mincemeat. And they are.

    My vote..... Same protocol , same treatment. No job loss for him, but maybe Participating in programs to help people rehabilitate themselves as his own sobriety is commencing.

  4. We are now finishing up on several months of researching the Racine County Sheriff Department's "crime prevention incident reports"

    Sounds impressive doesn't it?

    20,233 crime prevention incident reports were filed in racine county last year by Racine Sheriff officers according to our research.

    This program is soooooo hush hush by Sheriff Schmaling and Deputy Sheriff Hanrahan that a Wisconsin Public Records Request yielded no "criteria exist" as responded to by Racine Corporation Counsel.

    Sounds like our badged boys are really staying busy, right?

    Like 55 time a day in Racine County there are crime prevention actions taken by our Sheriff deputies

    Our future stories will headline 50 shades of brown, and that is no shit.....well, really it is sort of...........
    You will just have to read about it in our future blogs......Stay well irregulars and have a great week
