Friday, June 20, 2014

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone and welcome back! It has been one of those weeks.... The same old, same old type of weeks. So nothing new is really happening here.... Anyways, your questions...

1) What was the last restaurant you went out to eat at?

2) How many cities have you lived in?

3) If you could start your own restaurant, what would it be?

4) What is your favorite cereal?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. I get to go first... Have a great day, Irregulars and thanks, drew!

    1. Ale House in Grafton
    2. Two
    3. Maybe only 2 selections of whatever I was in the mood to cook and was fresh and in season.
    4. I think my favorite is hot Malt'o Meal, but lately I've been eating a lot of Blueberry Frosted Mini Wheats.

  2. 1. Charlestons.

    2. Three

    3. Fresh sandwiches

    4. I like Frosted Flakes but am forced to eat Fiber One. Ich.

    Thanks Drew!!!!

  3. 1) What was the last restaurant you went out to eat at?
    A. Antonia's in Paddock Lake

    2) How many cities have you lived in?
    A. 11, maybe more

    3) If you could start your own restaurant, what would it be?
    A. A desert restaurant, eclairs, tiramisu, ice know-all the things that are good for you

    4) What is your favorite cereal?
    A. hot cream of wheat

  4. 1) What was the last restaurant you went out to eat at? I dont want to mention Antonias, I like to take men to eat at the oyster bar

    2) How many cities have you lived in? About 6

    3) If you could start your own restaurant, what would it be?
    Smoothie bar, on beach, with appetizers. I make excellent tropical drinks.

    4) What is your favorite cereal?
    Strawberry Total

  5. 1) Well that would have to be today and that was Denny's.

    2) 8

    3) It would have to be a very nice family restaurant that everyone could afford to take the little kids to.

    4) Multi Grain Cheerios.

  6. 1. Roman Castle (Mauston)

    2. Two

    3. Breakfast ONLY

    4. Captain Crunch (Only Regular)

  7. 1) Does Top Dog Hot Dogs count?

    2) 4

    2) Hamburger joint.

    4) Rice Chex, but I like oatmeal, too.

    Thanks for asking, drew. Everyone have a great weekend.

  8. 1. Hurricane Charlie's, Punta Gorda, FL. Yum!
    2. Five...
    3. Nothe for me...never would dream of opening a restaurant!
    4. Great Grains

  9. 1. it was last night, Infusino's on Rapids, early bday celebration with ms froggy and future mr froggy
    2. I think we lived in Milwaukee for the 1st year I was in this world, but I don't remember that... hehehe, grew up in Caledonia and now in Mount Pleasant.
    3. I think I'd call it "Mom's cookin' ", and it would offer whatever I felt like making for the day and would have dessert of some kind for sure!
    4. It used to be Count Chocula but I think they changed it, wasn't a fan last I tried it. Regular Cheerios are pretty good!

  10. 1) I don't remember. Probably at McD's before a trip to Horicon.

    2) One

    3) A bar and grill

    4) Whatever dry cereal that's laying around the house. I usually have eggs for breakfast.
