Saturday, June 21, 2014

Open Blog - Weekend

Yay, summer is here. What happened to spring?


  1. for starters, I'm happy hubby is home :)
    (see blog below on 365 days of happiness)

    So glad it's the weekend, I really needed it!

  2. Maybe I'll post a few more random blogs on 365 days. I think it is a neat idea.

    My plans for today just fell apart, which is a disappointment. There is plenty to keep me busy, though.

  3. Happy First Day of Summer Everyone.

  4. Summer time Summer time
    sum sum summer time.......summertime - makes me happy

  5. KK, Great idea. I would love to have 2 day's of happiness. Why does life have to be the pits? It was 7 years ago yesterday, that the company retired me. BA.

  6. Happy summer, happy weekend, happy happy.

    My shrink gives me happy pills, but they don't always work.

  7. My shrink gives me happy pills, but they don't always work

    Better live through chemistry!!!

    double up on the Orgs.

    Very foggy outside or it was about an hour ago.

  8. It's crazy. Last year, we didn't have summer. It went pretty much from spring to fall. This year, we didn't have spring...
