Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my cool cucumbers (pickles?)!  How are you?  If this weather is any indication of the winter to come, we’re in for it again.  I love the cool days and nights, though. 

A friend told me yesterday that we’re down about 2 inches of water from normal.  I thought our rainy spring took care of that.  In fact, the Journal Times had an article on how the excessive water was hurting crops:  Oops, that was Burlington, and less than a month ago.  My friend says he is watering his garden.  Something’s not right.  Actually, we’ve been saying that for some time now.

As some of you may have noticed, most of my blogs before last week have had my profile picture removed.  The administrators believe that this is part of a bigger problem they recently had in signing in to Blogger and the use of non-gmail email accounts.  Sign in, schmign in!  I recognize the work of my archenemy, Lady Cassandra.  She and I once were friends, but I broke it off after I caught her in bed with my then-husband.  She still pulls childish pranks like the deleting of my picture. I bet she’s behind it.

The Green Bay Packers announced that they will induct Brett Favre into the Packers Hall of Fame sometime next year.  How do you feel about that?  Yes?  No?  You don’t know?  He did lead the Packers to many wins.  But I resent everything that happened after Favre first “retired.”  Too bad we won’t see him against Rodgers again.  I guess I really don’t care.  I want to know who’s playing this year.  If Rodgers is as strong as they say he looks, Super Bowl here we come.

Here’s a cute video that I found:

Thank you, my dears, for stopping by to read my blog.  I love you all!

Questions?  Answers:

Enjoy the weather and have fun, everybody.  Protect your skin and eyes from the sun to avoid future complications.  The next generation will probably never leave home.  Exenterate!   


  1. I believe it about the water level because we have not had a lot of rain this summer.

    About Brett Favre I do not think they should retire his number for what he did after he retired from the Packers. Drew and I do not agree on this. Yes I do understand how he helped the Packers win games but that does not count for what he did to his Packer fans by going to the other teams. No I am not saying this because I am a Bears fan because if a Bear player does this I would feel the same way about them.

  2. Where do I begin?

    I am loving this type of weather. If you look at anything over a long enough period of time it evens itself out. I'm hoping that the winter will be warmer to compensate for the cooler summer. But, then you have to remember the ice age. Yikes.

    With any conflict, both sides are usually at least somewhat at fault. Personally, I am glad to see Brett get the recognition he deserves for his years of contribution. To me, his worst mistake was not knowing when to keep his mouth shut.

    How dare Lady Cassandra think to mess with our Madame? Does she not realize the powers within? As for Blogger (Google) and their attempt to force users to change existing accounts... they can keep their stinking email. Power to the people, I say, I say!

    Lastly, about that gadget for the car, it is just another distraction added to the road. It claims to be safe, but it will only encourage users to pay attention to it instead of to the traffic and the road. Heck, conversing with a passenger or even music on the radio can be distracting.

    Ah... so much to think about. Thank you Madame!

  3. Thank you Mme. Z. I agree with kk about the distraction thing. Whenever the video showed the gadget, I was looking at it, not the road ahead.

    I like how he twice says it's the same as the commercial pilots use, so you know it's safe.

    Pilots in the armed forces today have to process two video streams at the same time: one left eye, one right. I can barely manage with two eyes.


  5. the cooler weather does have a plus, it saves on the A/C bill.

    I hear Brett may play one game this year for the Pac; don't know how true this is.

  6. Farve is going to back up Cutler this year.
