Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Open Blog - Wednesday

Woo Hoo to you, too.


  1. Well, Good Morning everyone! Seems I am first and the only one awake.
    Dave is in South Dakota, so of course, I can't sleep.

  2. I'm up, time-wise I should feel awake, guess the quality of sleep was lacking. Busy day ahead, and hopefully early (even earlier) to bed is the plan

  3. I am up had to take Drew into work early today he is working a ten hour day and I have to go and get a MRI on my back at 7:30 this morning. I hope everyone has a great day!

  4. Wish I had know., MinnesotaChick. I couldn't sleep either. Brain overload.

  5. I slept fine until a dog jumped on the bed and Rooster Cogburn started in. All around 5:30. He's still going.

    I need the 5th today.

    Have a good day Irregulars. A warm one here in the 90's. Always happens the first week of school.

  6. Hey everyone, I'm up and at it. Eating lunch for breakfast. I made a macaroni and tuna salad yeaterday that I obviously can't leave alone. Mary, you might have to research some tasty poultry recipes.

  7. OKIE, I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows some contract killers. Put a hit on Rooster Cogburn For the right price, they'll even make it look like an accident.

  8. Oh Orbs you do give us some big belly laughs. Thanks. Can't say you will be hearing from me, can't say you won't.
