Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my mixed nuts!  How are you?  Personally, I’m sad because of the recent spate of hurt feelings on this site.

We’re finally getting summer heat as some trees start to turn colors.  It’s going to be a hell of a winter. 

The regular season starts for the Green Bay Packers tomorrow night, Sept. 4, 7:30 PM, at the Seattle Seahawks, broadcast by NBC.  Slaughter the Seahawks!  The Packers are going to the Super Bowl this year.  I can see it in my orb.  We’re going to do the happy dance on the graves of the Packers’ opponents!  Oh my.  Kill ‘em, boys.  Do us proud.   

Junior is back n school and I must say that I appreciate the time alone or with Señor Zanza.  The young have so much energy to burn.  They should put them in large squirrel wheels to cut city electrical costs.

Everywhere I look are references to fall.  Really, they make me ill.  Stop it with the rushing of the seasons.  Some stores already have Christmas goods up for sale.  The world just goes faster and faster.

I have to take timeouts to nap and refresh myself during the day.  The world is going faster, but I’m headed in the opposite direction.  And enjoying every minute of it.  Slow down.  Take time to smell the mums.  (Do they have an odor?)  Enjoy some peace of mind.

Thank you for reading my blog today.  I love my readers and my Irregulars.  I love your visits.

Packers or Seahawks?  Ask:

Kids are back to school, but school buses are back on the road.  It’s always something.  Always be alert around school and other buses.  Enjoy your week, my dears.


  1. Good morning, Madame Zoltar and the rest of our Irregulars.

    I hope today begins a period of healing for our group.

    Have a happy day, all.


  2. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    Apparently it holds true for something as menial as managing a blog.

    Racine needs change and open, honest discussions, not more ignorance, oppression and censorship.

    That is all, have a great day and thanks for your words of wisdom as always Madame.

  3. The sun is shining, we needed something bright today!

  4. I bought a beautiful yellow mum to brighten up my new office. Flowers have a way of lifting spirits, much like many of the Zoltar potions in your catalog. Will you be offering the fall pumpkin healing harvest potion this year? Dee-lish.
