Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Is ISIS going to Destroy Obama? .

It seems like Obama cannot give a direct answer about what to do.

He is giving a "definite maybe" to the world!


  1. The question I ask is why is it always up to us. I fully understand they pose a threat but it's time the middle eastern nations stand up to them as well.

  2. Sometimes it appears that action is not taking place, when in fact, something big is in the works. I wouldn't be surprised if some breaking news comes out if nowhere.

    Remember how it went down with Bin Ladin... these things have yo be quiet to work. A
    nd have yo be very expertly planned.

    At least I hope that is what's happening. There seems to be a huge network they are up against. Fully funded and heavily armed.

  3. I believe it's always us because of our business investments oversea.

    It's also always us because we're he best. We've become fairly proficient with drones and the like.

    And it's always us because we have trillions of dollars to play world cop.

    We give some of these countries billions of dollars in foreign aid which they gratefully take and then kill our troops.

  4. I don't like WAR anymore than the next guy, but It Is AMERICA'S history to DO SOMETHING. IF these people are NOT eliminated, or at least controlled, the future Is dim for the rest of the World. IF we must lead, so be It. So far as our President seemingly NOT doing anything, I doubt VERY much that Is true. As KK say's, SOMETHING big Is In the works, and does NOT include troops on the ground (at this point) STOP blaming our President, and BLAME the people responsible. CONGRESS. Look at the REAL records, and you will find THIS President has done a LOT of good things, especially considering he Is BLACK.

  5. Limp wrist liberal President: Check
    Putin bitch slapping Obongo every change he gets: Check
    Obongo taking it like a little bitch: Check
    ISIS running rampart since the US has a bitch president: Check

    It's all coming together for Obongo and all limp wrist liberals. He can't make a decision to save his life, or even the lives of our citizens.

    He's too busy letting illegal alien RAPISTS AND MURDERERS go free.

  6. why u folks got to always bein sayin Obama is black
    he is our prez.
    Obama is doin a good job
    he is a depe thinker
    I dont think my spell check is workin today

  7. one of the things i dislike is WHY are we giving money/aid to the countries that hate us?

    We have people here starving...

    I don't need to carry on, we/you all know this shit....

  8. SER, That Is perhaps my BIGGEST complaint about our Government. WE are BROKE, and than some, but ALWAY'S have lots of money for everybody else. Funny how that works.
