Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my cupcakes!  How are you?  The weather has cooled just a little, but you see and feel it: fall is here.  I was looking at dried leaves blowing across a parking lot today.  This is too close to last winter.  We should get two summers for the winter we had.

Now for the really big news: I can’t tell you.  In my worldly travels, I have accumulated quite a list of high ranking leaders and businessmen as clients.  Some are very powerful.  Last week, one of my clients needed help.  Indeed, it was help with some black ops.  I was under the strictest orders of secrecy.  So secret that they wouldn’t even tell the Sheriff where I was or what I was doing there.  So no blog was posted.  I’m so sorry to all my regular and Irregular readers.  Trust me, one day soon this operation may be seminal to our continued existence on this planet.  Or not.  That’s where the dollars go.  They disappeared because “the project didn’t exist.”  And the sky is green.

If you’re alive to read this, you’re welcome.

Uh-oh, our indomitable Green Bay Packers face the scurvy Chicago Bears this Sunday, Sept., 21, 2014, at noon, at Soldier Field.  I know this is a special time for you, Tender Heart Bear, but my Screaming Psychics are gonna make mince meat of the Fighting Mongrels.  Fantasy and real, mixed.  Kill, kill, kill the Bears!  Then kick the Bears repeatedly in the head and torso.  I’ll hit them with a broom.

Thank you for coming by to check out my blog today.  Bishop Sheen is up for canonization (sainthood).  These are exciting times to live in.  I used to watch hour after hour of him on TV.

Will Bishop Sheen make it?  Find out:

I love you all and I hope you have a wonderful week.  I wonder if we’ll have Indian Summer this year.  Sextumvirate!


  1. Madame Z- I am looking forward to Sunday's game because the Packers are dealing with the Monsters of the Midway and on there turf. Madame on Sunday you will probably hear Drew and I giving each other a hard time during the game.

    For fantasy football this week I am going against Daddy Orbs. Last week I beat Drew and I loved that one.

  2. Madame, you always add serenity to my Wednesday. Thank you for saving the world. Glad we are alive and well. We can put up with you being gone once in awhile for a good cause. Please just don't let it happen frequently.

  3. "For fantasy football this week I am going against Daddy Orbs. Last week I beat Drew and I loved that one."

    Resistance is futile.

  4. the Pac needs to show up this week. they played like poo poo and gave the game away.
