Wednesday, September 24, 2014

What's on the Menu!

Sorry I didn't post anything yesterday I forgot all about it with all my different doctors calling to make appointments and then we had to take Drew's son to the doctor too.

I am going to share a very old family recipe with everyone today. I do not know all the measurements because my Grandma did everything to taste.

                                                                Bacon Spaghetti

1 medium box of elbow noodles
1 lb. of bacon
2 family size cans of tomato soup
onion powder
garlic powder
salt (optional)
bacon drippings

Cook the noodles then drain them. Cut the bacon in to about 1/2 inch pieces and fry them real crisp then place them on paper towel. Mix tomato soup and spices in a pot until warm and make sure it is to taste. Then add about 2 tablespoons of bacon drippings. When that is warm and to taste add noodles and bacon. If not enough sauce add a little water to it so it is juicy.

Like I said my Grandma did it all to taste. She made this with soup instead of sauce because my dad could not have the tomato sauces or juice. This is one of my dad's favorites so I thought I would share this one with everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Thaanks for another tried and true recipe. I'm the only person on earth who doesn't like bacon. I'll wait for your next recipe. ;>
