Friday, September 12, 2014

Four for Fridays

Hello everybody and welcome back! It has been a busy, busy week, so I took today off. Feels great to finally sleep in... Anyways your your questions...

1) What was the furthest you went driving without stopping?

2) What was the scariest place you traveled to/through?

3) What is your favorite gambling game?

4) What is your favorite board game?

Enjoy your weekend! 


  1. 1. Define "stopping." I once drove over a thousand miles with only fuel and potty breaks. My husband kept telling me he was fine. Duh, I was the driver.
    2. Since heights frighten me, the mountains. Sheer drop offs. Dan drives those.
    3. Not much for gambling. I do slots if I have to.
    4. Sorry! I've a mean streak.

    Have a great weekend, Andrew.

  2. 1) I don't know. I once drove to Austin, TX in one day, but that was with two other drivers rotating shifts.

    2) The hospital.

    3) I don't gamble, but I'll say Blackjack.

    4) The Journal Times Editorial Board game.

    Thank you, drew.

  3. 1. I prefer to be a passenger. Not a fan of driving any distance.
    2. A supposed to be 20 min flight from Orlando to Nashville. There were tornadoes under us, lightning hitting the plane, wind sheer, stuff flying around inside the cabin. We stayed airborne, circling for 1 1/2 to 2 hours and finally diverted to Atlanta. Missed my connecting flight (duh)and almost had to spend the night in hotel room with a co-passenger with whom I didn't know. Yikes. (hospital is probably the best answer, orbs.)
    3. Used to go to Arlington to the pony races. Only bet small for fun.
    4. Scrabble

  4. 1. from here to Tennessee, don't know how many miles, but we drove straight until we knew we needed to find somewhere to sleep before continuing on to Florida

    2. 27th street, during the heavy rain storm that drained the lake in the Dells that Tommy Bartlett uses for their ski show, remember the huge houses getting washed away? on the way home that day, 27th had some pretty bad flooding, and we went thru some really tough spots, unsure what would happen

    3. don't gamble

    4. I've always liked Sorry

  5. kk, I love Scrabble. My mind went blank. Pretty normal for me. ;)

  6. 1. Chattanooga, TN.

    2. East St. Louis at 2a.m. In the morning.

    3. Slot Machines, (although I really do gamble)

    4. Making Picnic Tables. Just kidding, Monopoly.

  7. KK, Are you a fan of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles? Kinda the same thing only different situations. I don't fly, but did ONCE. They would have me In a straight jacket by the time the plane landed.

  8. Every Saturday when my mother was alive, the kids and I would go to my mom's house. We'd go "rummage saling" in the morning to get her out and walking, then go back to her place and make a light lunch for her, then out would come the scrabble board. Such good times. I miss her.

    I believe I saw that movie, Toad, but I don't remember it.

  9. 1) From Chicago to my parents land up north.

    2) The Menominee Reservation when they had the up rise there a long time ago.

    3) I would have to say the slots.

    4) I would have to say Monopoly and Life. Those are the main two I always played with my kids too.

    Have a great weekend even though we have this cold spell.

  10. 1. Daytona Beach. Four drivers.

    2. When we flew to Vegas to get married, there was a boom. Flight attendants didn't seem upset until the second boom. Then they looked scared. Started descending which was scary. Made it without further incident.

    3. I prefer slots but the ones they have now require a college degree to figure out.

    4. Monopoly.

    Thanks Drew sorry I'm late.

  11. 1) Our family once traveled through half of North Dakota and Montana to Glacier NP in one day. That was a LONG car ride.

    2) Got caught in a blizzard from Appleton to my folk's place Up North.

    3) I don't gamble, I did have fun playing craps at a church benefit.

    4) Monopoly

  12. Drew, autocorrect caught me on your name! Sorry. Grrrrr.

  13. 1) What was the furthest you went driving without stopping?
    Fargo ND

    2) What was the scariest place you traveled to/through?
    Some back little towns in southern Mexico

    3) What is your favorite gambling game?
    don't gamble

    4) What is your favorite board game?
    none really, cribbage?
