Friday, September 12, 2014

Open Blog - Friday

Good boy. Don't bite.


  1. Friday...Uhmmmmm, for those who don't know, Friday is the next day after Thursday.

    And on the 5th day, he partied his socks off.....

  2. little shorty day at work, then off to Froedtert's Eye Institute, wonder if she'll be upset I have been going without my glasses since they broke? When my contact is in, my good eye can carry the other, the glasses just help stabilize it a little, we'll see! ahaha, I made a funny!

  3. I thought on the 5th day he had to do some laundry.

    Bumps and blunders in new job land. None of them from my end. Why is every change more of a disaster than it should be?

  4. Have a great day everyone. Hoping for a peaceful one.

  5. A chilly start and end to this day as we are in the 50's.

    But, IT'S FRIDAY!!

    KK - I understand what you are saying. We have made changes to how we do things and even though it seems simple enough, it's not. But it will all work out.

    Have a safe warm day Irregulars.

  6. Thanks, Okie. My coworker said it figuratively... climbing a hill of sand. With every step forward, the slide backward takes you back to the start.

  7. Happy Friday.

    LM, the Eye Institute is the best we have around here.

  8. FRIENDS, Mrs. Toad had a heart episode on very early Wednesday morning, and I had to take her to the hospital. She was admitted and stayed until Thursday, when she was transferred to Meriter of Madison for a Heart Cath. That was done on Thur. afternoon, and the results were good, so we came home late Thur. night. She Is doing fine, other than the stress seems to take the wind out of us, so to speak. As you can guess, I very happy with the results, even though the source of the pain Is unknown (I think It's JOB stress) and we will keep an eye on things. I just wanted my friends to know I DIDN'T dump them.

  9. Oh Toad I'm so sorry this had to happen. Thank goodness for modern medicine.
    I believe your wife should be pampered all weekend and you are just the guy to do it.
    Keep us posted.

  10. Toad, I'm so sorry for what your wife is going thru, but glad she got help and is doing better. Thanks for sharing with us what happened, we're here for you, ALWAYS!! Here's to hoping for a peaceful, recuperative weekend for you both!

  11. Sorry, your wife had such a scare. Not easy on you either, I'm sure. Have a relaxing weekend. Stress is not a friend.

  12. Toad we are so sorry for the scare you both had and we are so happy she is doing better now. We are here if you ever need to talk or need anything. Our prayers are with you both that the results stay this way.

    Drew was off today and we had lots of errands to do for our Granddaughters birthday party tomorrow. We had to go and get stuff to make a noddle salad and taco salad to take up there. We are only going for the day and I will post some pictures next week of both Grandkids to share with you.

  13. Toad, I was concerned that something was going on with you. Please share our best with Mrs. Toad for a speedy recovery. Thanks for sharing. You were missed.

  14. Sorry to hear about your Mrs. Toad. I'm hoping that she was a speedy recovery.

  15. Thanks Friends. She Is doing fine. Took the bandage off, and Is normal except she can't lift anything over 10 pounds for a few more day's, and can't get her wrist wet. It's amazing. They go In the wrist now, instead of your groin. A much easier procedure. Madison Is way ahead of other cities with this procedure. My brothers wife had a Cath. 4 weeks ago In Jacksonville, FL. and they went In the groin. The procedure In the groin doesn't hurt, It's just afterward, they push like hell forever on the site to keep It from leaking. When done In the wrist they have a nifty wrist band with a little balloon that gets inflated over the site to keep It closed. Really neat.
