Monday, September 15, 2014

Local Loyalty - S.E. Wisconsin Hearing Center, Inc.

Welcome back!
Today, I am happy to introduce you to 
6015 Durand Ave. Suite 100
Located directly behind Wells Fargo Bank
  "We'll bring music to your ears"
Open 9:30-5 Monday thru Friday
Weekends and evenings by appointment

With school starting and life going back to 'normal' for many of us, whether we have kids in school or not, we start to think of appointments to make, things to do, etc. Setting up doctor appointments and other necessities, etc. 

I, personally, have noticed issues with my hearing. 
I didn't want to admit it, guess it was pride? 
Stupid pride and maybe fear, is more like it. 
I needed help.  

Where do you go, who do you trust? That one, alone, made the decision to get answers easy. I can personally vouch for David Braun. He used to be my neighbor. I knew he would be straight with me and if it was bad, he would tell me in a way that wouldn't freak me out, or anyone else.
This is just the kinda guy David is. 

I went in for a hearing test (always free). I do have some hearing loss. I notice it primarily with certain tones of voices (Sorry, Drew, you're one of the ones I have a hard time hearing :(  ) I also noticed it with certain shows, and male voices of lower tones. The test is very thorough, with double checks for accuracy. 
I was able to 'road test' a pair of aides, and WOW, I had no idea what I had been missing! I even challenged my hubby to turn down the TV to the lowest he could comfortably hear. With the aides, I was able to go a handful of clicks lower!
WOW is all I can say. Early next year (due to our rotating insurance), I will very happily be hearing much better! I can't wait!!

Now, that's my story. Let me tell you about David's place. 
He has been there for  year now. 
There is so much info, I don't know where to begin! 
PLEASE check out the website!!

If you notice people are mumbling, or you ask them to repeat themselves often, have to keep turning up the TV or radio, struggle with background noise in restaurants, you could use some help! Hearing loss doesn't get better. You need help to stop the decline. Pride doesn't work in our favor. Today's aides are smaller, and hardly noticeable, and quite comfortable.  Don't be afraid to find out and get help. It's painless and will only improve your quality of life. 
My kids tease me about being deaf, as I don't always hear things they say.
(ok, part of that is selective but definitely not all!)
David is a musician and understands sound in a way most of us don't. This makes him unique, and very suited for this profession!
His goal is to help people hear better and become the #1 hearing provider of our area. He is independent and beholding to no certain company. He is a a straight shooter, honest and only wants what's best for anyone who comes to him. 

If you're having issues with hearing, please give David a call and see what help is available, hearing test are free, you've got nothing to lose!

The 3 words he chose to describe his business - 
1. Customization
2. Personal
3 Independent

He spends all the time with you that you need. 
Don't you wish our regular doctors would do that?? 

For your own sake, if you are noticing any difficulty hearing, please have it checked out. It's time to stop missing things. I'm glad I went in!
Don't forget to tell him you saw it here!



  1. LM- I never noticed that with you honestly. Maybe it is because I speak up for Drew so much that you can hear me. I don't know if he will take Drew's insurance not many places do. I will have to give him a call and find out because he needs some new ones soon. Thank you for letting me know.

  2. Hearing loss and tinnitus seems to occur over time. Mine, however, was sudden. I picked up the phone one day and hear silence. Switched ears and all was fine.

    I saw my doctor who sent me go an audiologist after the CAT scan showed no tumor, etc... No reason. It could have been stress related. I did have some vertigo at the same time. Dr. though it might be a virus and would be transient. Nope.

    Dealing with children is a nightmare for me. I get about every fourth word. In group settings, forget it.

    There, however, is a new surgery being done with an implant that goes into the ear with no outside apparatus. It was approved by the FDA last March. The results are somewhat promising. It can only be done if there is some viable hearing left, which I have.

  3. It's my left side that is bad but no hearing aids yet.

    The surgery sounds promising, that's for sure. I've already had two but that was a LONG time ago.

    As for Drew (sorry), he is a soft talker. I've discovered people with hearing aids do talk softer. Even my sister, although none of that applies when the Packers are playing. Then, we can hear her yelling down here. :}

  4. Okie, we speak lower because we are afraid of sounding LOUD. LOL.

    I have a 76% hearing loss on my right side...35 or so on the left.

    There are only two places in FL that perform the surgery. One is Tampa, the other West Palm. Extensive testing before hand.

  5. I need to start with an ENT. Never had a problem until that pneumonia got a hold of me. Since then it has been off and on fluid issues. Thank goodness it is only one ear, which is still very annoying. If you want to whisper sweet nothings in my ear, sit on the right side.

  6. My left ear is bad. I went to an audiologist years ago. He asked if I was a hunter because he said hunters sometimes have my type of hearing loss from the bang of the guns. I'm not a hunter and I would think that would affect the right ear.

    S.E. Wisconsin Hearing Center, Inc. sounds like a great place to go for hearing problems.

  7. P.S. Throughout my landscape "career," I always used ear muffs to protect my hearing when using small power equipment.

  8. The implant is called a "hybrid implant."

  9. I need to make an appointment. Hearing loss runs in our family. My grandmother had hearing aids and so does my brother. I know I have hearing loss but I don't know how bad.
    Playing in a band didn't help.

    So I'd like to get tested just to know where I stand. I KNOW I can't afford hearing aids.

  10. DodgeBoy, testing is thorough and free. Payment plans are available as well. I was afraid to find out how bad it was, but since I know Dave, it took the scary out of it, he's a straight shooter, and will tell you all your options.

  11. DodgeBoy, do the testing. Yes, it is free. Then check with the various organizations for the hearing impaired.

    Hearing aids can be purchased at all levels. Mine, unfortunately, cost about 4000 for the two. But, I have to have the filter for tinnitus. If you need just amplification, they can be much less.

    Good luck.

  12. I've done business with these guys when they were on Green Bay Rd. They do good work...

    Sorry about my soft spoken tougue, but Beejay nailed it on the head because we ARE afraid of sounding loud. We can can hear ourselves talk, but completely unaware if others can hear us.

    "Dealing with children is a nightmare for me. I get about every fourth word. In group settings, forget it." That is also true, to a point. In a group setting, especially at a bar or other environments, I tend to miss out what people are saying.

    I lost much of my hearing through hereditary. My grandfather died stone deaf. Combined with loud music and working in a factory, my hearing got worse. The loss is severe.

    Hearing aids are NOT a cure, like crutches they help one hear better.

    Dodgeboy, the ones I use are among the cheapest in the market, $1000 a piece. To be able to hear again, it's worth the price. Good luck!

  13. Drew is so right about the bar thing...and then the lousy acoustics in places...those high ceilings are murder.

    When speaking with my audiologist, she told me that hearing aid companies are coming out with designer aids for children. She's seeing more children whose hearing has been damaged by the use of iPods, etc. they now provide neon colors for these kids. How very sad.

  14. Drew, you haven't worked with Dave before, he only opened about a year ago, and it's his place, 1st time opening with this name. I'm sure you'd like him, give him a try next time you need new aids. What a difference they make, hard to believe what I was missing!
