Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Open Blog - Tuesday

Don't drink too much or you'll get the jitters.


  1. Morning.....up and at 'em...daylight in the swamp.

  2. Yesterday on the Today Show someone shouted to Al that she had a Kringle. Yes, Racine Wisconsin was mentioned on the Today Show.

    A cloudy one to start but temps in the low 80's today. Doesn't get much better than that.

  3. We are still hitting the low 90s. But,I see 90 as a high later in the week. Pretty pathetic, isn't it?

  4. I have to say Beejay, that I am glad the 90's are over. The dog sure likes it.

    After giving it much careful consideration, I have determined that I like the warm better than the cold.

  5. They showed the Kringle clip on the news last night. After repeated mispronunciation of the name of the pastry, they went in for a closeup. It looked like the Kringle was several days old and quite soggy. Nice to get the recognition of the city, though.

    I still prefer the cooler temps to the swamp.

  6. I'm thinking of getting some of that MAGIC smoked Whitefish the Indians smoke In Bayfield. I found out It goes great with a few Zanex, and beers. OOP'S That's the time I asked my wife If I was REALLY alive, and actually driving the car the next day.

  7. lots of cleaning in store the for next week, our now spare room is a huge mess. youngest was a pack rat who would say she cleaned, but alas, the monstrous dust rabbits, these are NO bunnies, cute and little, say otherwise, they've had free reign, now time to rid the room of them as well. I feel like an exterminator!

  8. Preparing for Tropical Depression Odile in Tucson...WTF? A tropical depression in the desert?

  9. Be careful out there Hale. I still can't believe the people in the van survived that awful flooding last week. Have to say the van looked a lot worse than they did.

  10. No rain here today. NONE. Amazing!
