Thursday, September 25, 2014

Open Blog - Thursday

Enjoy life.


  1. Where ya at Lizmom?

    another wonderful day out there today and I believe it's suppose to be the same tomorrow.

    Enjoy while it lasts everyone

  2. I'm up, this sore throat has added some friends, headache, and other aches, I'm trying to beat this cold off, but I fear I'm losing. I reached out to the youngest, haven't heard a word since she left, but I'm reassured she is fine, just thinks the world hates her...

  3. Tough love is hard LM, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

    Half a day working, and then I'll be a chauffer again. I'm seeing parts of the city I never knew existed.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  4. I forgot. Here is a first for me. Hubby decided to make shrimp last night so he turned on the oven. He waited a bit and went to check the temp. After 10 minutes it was still at 175. He did notice the element was lighting up on one side. Burning up would be the best answer.

    Thank God for the internet. Very helpful in saying the first thing you should do is cut the circuit breaker which he did.
    This morning when he went to take it out, it had melted the one piece. Hopefully he'll find one and we can cook tonight.

    Wait a minute; right now the stove and oven are down which means no cooking. NO COOKING.
    Maybe they won't have it in stock. :}

  5. OKIE- The thought of NO COOKING sounds so good to me. But I can not get that lucky here.

    LM- Believe me when they are ready to talk to you they will. My two older kids up north do not call me unless they need something but I do see them on facebook all the time so I know they are alright. She is going to feel that the world hates her for a while then she will realize what you did was best for her to grow up. If you need someone to talk to I am here for you.

  6. KK, as I shall be happy to post all my anonymous blogs, none should have been hurtful... I will admit to saying waaa, waaaa
    on you whining about anons. I explained I did not post in that persona but once in a while, as always meant it in humor.

    My life has been busy, so I have not posted much. I have my mother and some of my own health issues.

    I believe I did not start any of that, but what was said to a friend irregular was dispicable.
    That was by someone who used an f bomb directed at him.... who I know has the kindest heart and has helped this friend move, given him stuff, drove him far away places, etc.
    He would never "piss or shit on your site".

    You also have clicks, whom I will not name.You do not ever try to smooth things out. It seems you have hatred in which you are harbouring.

    Either of us are NOT GUILTY of any spamming oe trolling and that is a slanderous statement.

    I always thought you and I had a friendship that was special. If I ever said anything that offended, you took it the wrong way. I am sorry.

    I have studied IP addresses after a few discussions with my computer savy friends. Mine shows often out of Milwaukee. I
    do feel you are wrong in blaming me for spamming and trolling, in which I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DO!!!

    YOU ARE WRONG!!!!! He sent a personal email to the poster of the FUCKYOU blog and tried to explain an what he actually posted with no response. After that I wrote the poster of the FUCCKYOU blog and again explained, with no response. As I said ... neither of us ever tried to shit on your site.

    To me the whole thing started when you attacked Tricky. He did not jump the topic and stayed on
    the blog. So I spoke up for him.

    and you love to ignore good things written from some, but not others.

    You are accusing of something that was not done. I feel attacked
    and I have a good heart...just by what you said IS NOT THE TRUTH.I have disagreed with you a few time, but never felt I was mean in any way. YOU MAKE US OUT TO BE EVIL PEOPLE. NOT THE CASE.

    I am not about drama with you either. Thicken your skin. It is humor, it is blogging. I gave lots of good to this site, DO NOT TROLL OR SPAM!!!! Your IP discovery program is nor working!

    September 25, 2014 at 9:27 AM

  7. Hectic week here...fortunately, leaving on vacation Saturday morning if I can just survive the next two days! Will be a cruise so I will be without internet access for several days starting Sunday...will be years since I have been offline that long!

  8. Sorry, did not say a bunch of stupid stuff I wanted to delete...just stupidly posted the same comment multiple times!

  9. Hale - have a great time on your vacation.

  10. Stuttering? Lol I am guilty of doing that too

  11. Hale- Have a great time and I will miss you on here while you are on vacation!

  12. great Tuesday hopes flew out the window, a dear friend just called, her brother died, no details, family is very rattled, and scattered across the country...
    a hermits life is sounding really good right now, off the grid... time to duct tape this heart

  13. Sorry to hear you are still under the weather, Liz. There are a lot of people suffering with whatever glunk you have, or something similar. Seems to have hit hard this year. Take some time to rest and get over it.

    Okie, that is what restaurants are for! I had the same thing happen. My oven was so old, they didn't make replacement parts. The new oven is no match for that old beast. I miss it.

    THB, I was sorry to read that you are still on hold for a diagnosis. Hang in there....

    Hale, I'll take care of your stuttering problem. Happens to the best of us. ;> Has the weather improved out there at all?

  14. I see you also repeated your comment on this blog, so I will copy my response here, as well.

    I'm all about the facts, and computers don't lie. Sorry you find me to be "snippy." Please check the previous blogs you authored for compliments and encouragement I personally gave you on your writing style. I believe we were all more than welcoming and accommodating.

    Life is too short and sweet to have hatred in my heart.

    The IP logs were copied and shared among the admins as the comments were appearing. They numerically matched and were labeled from original blogs you wrote and posted by name in the past. Other comments came from your employer's IP, also identifiable. Unless someone was sitting in your driveway, stealing your Wi-fi, AND using your personal computer/device with its unique MAC address....I can not see any other explanation.

  15. Having a wonderful time here in SC. Cooler than Florida...

  16. No heating element. Restaurant sounds good but hubby can't sit. We can turn the stove on so it's brats on the grill and beans.

    And we found out how much a new one would be. OUCH.

    What do you do.

  17. Sitting here with a microwave...lower level has stove...restaurants til we get our appliances installed on the main level. Yep, works for me.
