Wednesday, September 24, 2014

"The new Apple iPhone 6 Plus feature 'Introducing Bend"

I can't get my back to bend that far.


  1. Some people online say that's bogus and anything will bend if you use enough pressure.

    It's being called, "Bendgate."

  2. I heard about bendgate on the news. Evidently, putting it in your back jeans pocket and sitting down can actually cause the screen to bend to the breaking point or also just make the unit nonfunctional.

    Did you mean to call me or did your butt do some dialing again?

  3. or did your butt do some dialing again

    laugh'in KK. one of my twins, her butt calls me at lease once a month.

  4. :-(

    I never get butt called.

    Butt, I get a lot of robocalls.
