Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my Packer Backers (except for one)!  How are you?  The temperatures are falling like the leaves.  I love the colors of autumn, but not the hues of winter.  I get chilly just thinking about it.

Of course, our intrepid Green Bay Packers beat the poop out of the cringing Chicago Bears last weekend.  Next, we attack the dirty rats that Favre ran to: The Minnesota Vikings.  Tomorrow night, 7:25 PM, CBS, at Minnesota’s Noise dome.

You can have a look at the Irregular Football League’s standings below.  I’m in the basement, where I belong.  “The Mighty Bears” currently have 1st place.  Click to embiggin.

Sad news with the announcement of Mr. Curtis Johnson’s latest problems.  As if Racine didn’t have enough trouble already. 

Sad news, too, with the announcement of the JT Irregulars lockdown.  I understand why, but I still bemoan the possible loss of some posters.  And I still feel hurt, tired, and confused.  Once you see an individual and meet him/her, it’s usually difficult to spam them.  They’re no longer just a username on a blog or comment.  Things here went quite the opposite the other day.  It’s too bad.  

The experience with events leading to the lockdown has tired me. I’m going to call it quits here and than all of you for reading my blog today.  Families come together when trouble hits.  Thank you for coming here.

Where’s the lockdown key? Ask;

Watch out for school buses and children crossing the streets.  I’m always afraid one will dart out in front of me.  Might be time to break out a sweater or two.  Enjoy what weather we have.  Galactophagist!


  1. We will stand united as a true family and weather the storm. Let the sadness leave...

  2. Madame Z- I guess it is time to put the summer clothes away and take out the sweaters. I never did like to do that because I hate bundling up with layers of clothes.

    Beejay you are right that we are going to stand together. When a person hurts one of our family members they will hurt all of us.

    Madame Z- I am going to miss your post I always look forward to reading it. I hope you will come back and post on here again. You are going to be truly missed.

  3. THB, I'm not going anywhere.

    When I said I was calling it quits, I meant just for this particular blog.

  4. Madame, please take out your cards and reread them. Storms always seem the darkest before the sun shines anew.

    I agree with Beejay. Together, and united, we can weather this storm. There were times I wanted to just give up. That is never the right course.

    Mix up a batch, hit the Mediterranean, seek out your psychic supports. Slip El Senor a little blue pill. Seek comfort. Heal. We need you here.

  5. Madame Z- I am so glad to hear that because I would have missed you.
