Friday, October 10, 2014

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone and welcome back! A slow week to start..... It's starting to get busy now, just as the weekend gets to start. Good grief... Anyways, your questions....

1) What Monopoly game piece is your favorite?

2) What kind of nuts do you like?

3) When was the last time you stayed up past midnight?

4) What is your favorite holiday?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1. The Scottie dog.
    2. Cashews and pecans.
    3. I can't remember. Lol.
    4. Thanksgiving.

    Thanks, Drew. Have a great weekend.

  2. 1. Battleship.

    2. Can't eat nuts (sobbing).

    3. Last Saturday

    4. Christmas

    Thanks Drew

  3. 1. Car.

    2. Pecans, Pistachio's, although Pistachio's are not nearly as good as they were when they came from Iran.

    3. All the time, because I fall asleep early, wake up, and can't go back to sleep.

    4. Thanksgiving. I alway's cooked, until my departure from (that place) Now one of my two girls does It, and my severe anxiety begins for the next 5 weeks, with another 2 to recover somewhat. HOWEVER, I do still like Thanksgiving most.

  4. 1) It is either the dog or the car.

    2) Cashews or Pistachio's.

    3) I can't remember.

    4) Christmas because I love to decorate the house. I love everything about Christmas.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  5. 1) Scottie dog.

    2) Cashews, pistachios (I didn't know they used to come from Iran), and plain ol' peanuts

    3) Every night.

    4) Bah, humbug!

  6. 1. I like the shoe. It has the little handle to pick it up. Not a fan of Monopoly. Takes too long and someone is always mad in the end.
    2. All of them.
    3. More than I should. Real living doesn't begin until after midnight.
    4. Any of them when family is involved.

    Toad, I'm sorry that your anxiety worsens like that.

    Drew... thanks for the questions!

  7. 1. Never really liked that game.. But the dog we all fought over.
    2. Irregulars ! Of course!
    3. Can't remember when I went to sleep BEFORE midnight..
    4. Halloween

  8. 1) The race car.

    2) Honey roasted peanuts.

    3) Not since last winter I think...

    4) Independence Day.

  9. 1) your favorite?
    the race car

    2) What kind of nuts do you like?
    Orbs, KK, Beejay and there are a couple others also brazil nuts.

    3) past midnight?

    4) What is your favorite holiday?
    I use to have a couple, but now getting older, their just another day in the week.

  10. 1. the car!
    2. I like all my friends!
    3. can't remember, it's been way too long
    4. Christmas, the lights make the cold not seem quite so bad, the lights and decorations can seem almost magical and cheery
