Saturday, October 11, 2014

Open Blog - Weekend

Just be sure those are butterflies and not killer bees.


  1. working this morning , then I think a nap is in order. It's been a very long, exhausting week

  2. Off to Sprouts for veggies and then a roller skating birthday party for 6 year old grandson. It will be a fun day. Unless of course I break a hip. :}

  3. Good morning, world. Load of laundry #1 in the washer, cup of coffee# 1 in my cup. Spent my morning reading in bed and corresponding with friends via email. It was lovely. Looks like a gorgeous weather day. Get out and play!

    Okie, you are braver than I am. Not so sure I'd be quick to strap on the skates anymore.

  4. I can only skate on my ankles. Worse than that, I don't know how to stop.

  5. Yeah, I'd take kids to a roller skating rink, but I wouldn't even try to skate.

  6. Holy crap the bug coming out of the bottle, yesterday i was putting sealant on the deck and I left the cap off my bottle of soda Sure enough a damn bee went in it and I took a drink. I spit it out as fast as possible but it got me, stung me in the roof of my mouth just barely. it tickled for a few hours but didn't swell up or hurt.

  7. It was a fun party. We didn't skate but had fun watching the kids. They are pretty good. New to us were the little walkers that helped the first timers. Cute.
    Off to the store before the Packer game.
