Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Open Blog - Wednesday

Good-bye summer.


  1. Oh my goodness. Well summer may be gone, but Halloween is coming...Wooohooo!

  2. I'm up, just read an email from the hubby, has has pneumonia :( Now I have to worry about him from a distance, not fun!

  3. spoke to hubby just a bit ago, silly boy thinks one day of rest will be enough... talked him into coming home after he gets some sleep, should be home this afternoon so I can make him all better and shoo him back out the door Sunday :)

  4. Good morning, all. Today, my kitchen appliances will be installed. Now where is the furniture?

  5. LM- I am sorry to hear about your hubby being real sick and hope that he gets better very soon. I know when he gets home you are going to take very good care of him.

    Today is going to be cleaning day for me since this will be the only day I am going to be home all day to do it.

    Yesterday when I talked to my physical therapist she said it is going to be a very long road to get my back to were I will be able to talk long walks again but will not get completely back to normal with the two disc's. I told her as long as I can go for walks that is all I want to do. I will have the pain but I am hoping not as bad as it is now.

  6. I get my nails done at 9 and then back to driving. I don't know how my husband does this day after day. I have discovered the reason there are traffic jams is because people are idiots. Right lane closed ahead, they don't care, they will "sneak" in. Except it stops everyone needing to turn right.
    And the one thing that gets me are the ones who don't care what the speed limit is. If it was 40 mph, they did 32. And for some unknown reason the person next to them would do it too.

    Hope hubby feels better soon LM.

  7. LM, pneumonia ain't going anywhere in a day. I've had it twice. He needs rest and antibiotics.

    Anyone hear from kk? She was sick, too.

  8. I'm still working on a few straggler symptoms, but definately improved. Thanks for worrying about me. I'm too ornery to go anywhere.

    Pneumonia has varying degrees. I hope his is mild and caught in time. Antibiotics and rest are a must. That is a mean mammajamma. You don't want to play with that.
