Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my Chilly Willies.  How are you?  I’m not dreaming of a white Thanksgiving, but I think we have no choice.  Last year, it wasn’t until December before winter unleashed its fury upon us.  The winter solstice is a month away.  This is supposed to be fall weather.  Tell that to the Buffalo residents who received up to 7 feet of snow.  What do you do in 7 feet of snow?  What can you do?  The people must be burrowing tunnels like hamsters.

Our vaunted and god-like Green Bay Packers beat the snot out of the Minnesota Vikings this past week.  Expect more of the same this week when the Packers take on the New England Patriots on Sunday, November 30, 7:25 3.25 PM (thank you, Ms. OKIE), at Lambeau Field.  Massacre them, Packers!

In the Irregular Football League, my Screaming Psychics are still near the bottom of the heap.  I guess that’s what I get for cutting their pay just before the holidays.  Start winning and we’ll start making some money.

Of course, I must say Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!  Most of you ladies have spent days in preparation for this.  God bless us all and don’t forget to count your blessings.  Turkey and all that are a great part of the tradition, but don’t forget to say, “Thank you.”

There’s just the three of us this year, so I’m not cooking a big bird, just a 10 pounder.  That’s still plenty to get us stuffed and thankful. 

Here’s a personal admission: I can’t stand all of the Christmas music wherever I go.  I find it tedious and tiresome to hear the same old songs over and over.  I think stores and restaurants should go with their regular music programming and then intersperse Christmas songs here and there.  We know what time of the year it is.  We don’t need constant reminders from dunning songs. 

Can we talk?  What about Bill Cosby?  Yes or no?

And what about Black Friday, which is becoming Black Thanksgiving evening?  Are you partaking?  Soon, Black Friday will come right after Labor Day.

That’s it for this week, my loves.  I appreciate all of my readers.  We are all one.

Stay alert for winter conditions and drive safely.  As always, watch out for the children.

Madame Zoltar®


  1. Madame???? Did they change the time of the Packer game? I thought it was 3:30.

    As for Bill Cosby, at first I was skeptical but to be honest, he has more women coming out than Tiger Woods did. I feel sorry for the people on his show that were counting on residuals to live on.

    Thank you Madame and have a lovely holiday.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Mme Z!
    I don't know what to think of the Bill Cosby situation. Part of me is skeptical, the other part realizes most of the country put a human being on a pedestal. It's a huge fall if it comes out to be true. The whole thing makes me sad.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, Madame Z.. I hope your celebration and mini turkey turns out well. It is about being thankful that we should spend our days.

    While certain obstacles and challenges face everyone in their lives, we need to focus on the fact that our tummies are mostly full, our homes are warm, and we have many comforts in our lives that others around the world may not have. We also have good friends, Irregular as they may be, who care about us and nurture us every day. Thank you, friends for being there, for being my safety net when crap piles up around me.

    As for the negativity around us in the news....

    We can not be surprised that celebrities have human failure. They are human. Whether this is true or not in this instance, it is sad that another who was looked up to or set as a gold standard for others has potentially has failed in that role. Is it impossible to live to a sparkling model role under intense life circumstances and the subsequent intense scrutiny?

    My heart is also heavy for the people in cities who are struggling with the loss of family members and the racial tension and violence associated with the circumstances. We are falling apart, and failing as a nation instead of coming together as we should. We need empathy and kindness. We are in serious need.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Madame Z and your family.

    I agree with everyone about looking up to someone as a role model and then they fall. They are just as human as the person next to them and other people just get so mad at that role model and start to talk bad about them. That is not right just let everything go and see what is the truth about all of it.

    kk- I agree with you about how people are struggling and everything is falling apart. We do need to come together as a nation and help one another. All this just really is upsetting and hard to talk about.

  5. I'm bummed, no Packers tomorrow

  6. SER- The Bears are playing tomorrow and I am watching that game.

  7. Ms. OKIE, you're right about the start time.

    I've been having trouble with that all season. Usually Ms. THB finds the error.

    Thank you.
