Monday, November 24, 2014

"Letter That Inspired Kerouac's 'On the Road' Found"

By JOHN ROGERS Associated Press 

"It's been called the letter that launched a literary genre -- 16,000 amphetamine-fueled, stream-of-consciousness words written by Neal Cassady to his friend Jack Kerouac in 1950.

"Upon reading them, Kerouac scrapped an early draft of 'On The Road' and, during a three-week writing binge, revised his novel into a style similar to Cassady's, one that would become known as Beat literature.

"The letter, Kerouac said shortly before his death, would have transformed his counterculture muse Cassady into a towering literary figure, if only it hadn't been lost.

"Turns out it wasn't, says Joe Maddalena, whose Southern California auction house Profiles in History is putting the letter up for sale Dec. 17. It was just misplaced, for 60-some years."

I know this doesn't mean anything to most of you, but it's wonderful news to me.

I love you, Jack.

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