Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Open Blog - Tuesday

Don't eat yellow snow.


  1. First round of guests have left. Twenty four hours until the next ones arrive. On top of that, Lowes is sending some customers over to see my kitchen! Am I lucky or what! Lol.

  2. today is the oven marathon - bird #1 is in, bird #2 is ready to roll (prepped them both last night with butter, tons of onion and a head and a half of garlic each, between inside and under the skin)
    Rolls are rising, and after the oven finishes the last of it's chores, it's on to floors!

  3. BTW - Beejay, I would love to see your kitchen too, pictures are awesome, but I can only imagine how much better it is in person!

  4. You two are way to busy for my taste. I'm going to work where it should be slow. That will make for a long day.

    Stay warm Irregulars. How much snow did you get?

  5. I forgot to tell you guys that my hubby's back is doing much better. That's the good news. The bad news is he has confiscated my car as it's better on his back.

    Look out Oklahoma, Mary is driving the big truck.

  6. Mary is driving a semi tractor, Liz is flipping the bird, Beejay is giving home tours and shuffling guests in and out like a B&B, and I'm stuck at work.

    We had less than 2 inches of snow, as far as I can see. The ice was the major factor. It was treacherous on the way home last night, and it still was crunchy, slippery and slow going this morning.

  7. Yesterday it took Drew a half hour to get home and the normal drive is 15 minutes to his work. Then he told me he had to work ten hours today and I had to take him in to work. He had to be to work at 4am and the roads were still bad, it was slippery in spot and snow covered in spots. I had to get the car to do my last minute shopping for Thursday.

    LM- You are way ahead of me. I am doing my turkey Thursday but I make my dressing to stuff it the night before. My cleaning is all tomorrow.

    OKIE- I think I am glad that I am up here with you driving the truck. LOL

    Beejay- It is like company leaves then you have tours of your kitchen and then more company. No time for you to rest.

    I hope everyone stay warm and safe.

  8. I'm bored. Here is something you don't see everyday. Gas prices have remained the same, even though it's a holiday week. We are at $2.28 across the St. I like it.

    Breaker, breaker.

  9. OKIE is driving the truck! I kinda miss my Tundra...it was fun.

    Turkey gets done on Thursday. Making a blueberry pie tomorrow. Guests arrive early p.m. One last grocery store run in the a.m.

  10. Just finished two, 12 hour days in a row. I don't know how people do this on a regular basis. I feel hyped up, brain dead and talked out... all at the same time.

    So, now I'm off for the holiday. Tomorrow will be pie making day, and the bird will come out of the wrapper on Thurs. morning. We can both be surprised of what we find inside the cavity. I do hide a few of those things in the dressing. hahahaha

  11. Hello.

    Any chance that someone could give me a ride back from my mechanic's on Friday morning? He's on the north side and I'm out west.

  12. Thank you THB, but i worked it out with someone else.

    Thank you so much.
