Monday, February 23, 2015

I'm back!!

Hubby and I just got home today from a week and a half vacation. SO MUCH NEEDED!! We brought the cold down south with us, pretty sure we'll be banned from returning! Remind me, again, why do we live where it is so insanely cold out??? Fun stories to follow, highlights, etc. 
Only having my kindle, it was hard to get and stay online, let alone try typing anything or navigating. I'm a low tech kinda girl. I missed my computer and my mouse!
I'm off tomorrow, then back to real life Wednesday, boo....


  1. We got thru all the mail, and the pile that accumulated on my desk. Got the checkbook balanced and almost everything unpacked and put away, clothes washed, and the house almost reclaimed, whew!

  2. We are glad you are back we hope you both had a great time on vacation. Sorry you have to come back to the insane cold temps too.

  3. And our sunny, warm weather has returned

  4. LM - glad you are back and had a great trip. That being said, you still wear me out. Too much energy.

  5. we had to go shopping today, no food in the house, hubby was going to starve...

  6. Welcome back, LM I agree with OKIE - I get worn out just reading about what you do.

  7. I'm with Okie and Orbs. Welcome back.... keep yourself in relax mode for awhile. Your relax mode even tires me.
