Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Open Blog - Tuesday

Everyone go home.


  1. Well Drew is back to his overtime again and of course I have to run some errands today. If anyone has to go out it is windy and cold out there with blowing snow again so please be very careful when you go out today. I hope everyone stays warm and has a good day!

  2. Morning, all! Stay warm and safe.

  3. last day of freedom, not looking forward to real life starting again so soon.. brrr

  4. Getting ready to head out on the snow packed streets. Not looking forward to it.
    Stay safe and warm Irregulars.

  5. We still have some snow on the ground but the sun is out and the streets are clearing. Of course the dummies are out. Saw an old Mercedes go by this morning with most of the windows covered in snow. Lazy dangerous people.

    Can't wait for round 3 and 4 to begin starting Friday. {:

    I'm glad I came to work today so that I don't have to work on my day off, which is tomorrow.

  6. ¡Hola!

    I'm on the east side of the apartment building. When the wind is from the est, it gets chilly in here. I can't imagine what all the people on the west side do. Our winds are predominately from the west.

  7. Today did have that wednesday feel to it. The weather guy said it was the first day in a long time that the temperature rose above 32 degrees. Still felt stinking cold out there to me, especially this morning.
